Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I’ve been considering taking plasmalogen supplements. Can you give us your interpretation of the availabile data?


I would like to submit a topic for a future show. It would be fascinating if there were a show devoted entirely to Mitochondria. A deep dive into mitochondria would have wide-ranging implications with nearly all other subjects covered on this podcast. Thanks for your consideration.

Journal Club

Do you guys think you will release the episodes for your journal clubs? I think that would be interesting for the audience to hear if they are interested

At-home gym for resitance training

Can you compare the various equipment options for at-home resistance training in terms of the most critical to building a well-rounded home gym? Dumbell rack, squat and bench rack, other machines? I'm also curious about what you use for flooring, equipment brands you trust, and more generally, your thoughts while constructing your home gym. Thanks!

Isolation vs Compound and a Statistic.

In podcast #235 Lane and Peter mentioned that we need to get much closer to failure with isolation exercises than with compound movements to get the full benefit, but did not explain why. Please explain? In the same podcast Peter said that all cause mortality rates increase by up to 400% when one is weak as apposed to strong. Where does this info come from? Thank you