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I follow you from France and i really appreciate your work , escuse me for my bad english as a coach for health i want to know your state of view about strenght methodology for old people i understand that hypertrophy become more difficult whith age , but the capacity of volonteer contraction still can be developped ! what do you thing about isometric training, low excentric, concentric with explosivity intention for old people my second question is , do you think that vo2 max training is necessary for old people thank you very much and congratulations for your work , i wait your book whith impatience thank you very much

hypothyroidism and osteoporosis

Hi Peter -- thanks so much for all the work you do... I just started following you and the information you make available to us is incredibly valuable!! My question is regarding hypothyrodism -- I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with hypothyrodism, and I was prescribed Levothyroxine, and most recently my doctor switched me to Synthroid. Are there any other medications for the treatment of this condition? Also, is it possible for Levothyroxine/Synthroid to have a negatively effect on bone mass density? I am 72 years old, and I was diagnosed with Osteopenia (over 10 years ago) and Osteoporosis just recently. I take calcium supplements, but they do not seem to help with the Osteoporosis. The strength training regimen I follow which includes lifting weights, yoga and some cardio -- do not seem to be help that much. One last question -- is it possible that a switch from Levothyroxine to Synthroid can cause some negative side effects -- such as -- unwanted drop in weight and difficulty with sleep? My doctor dismissed my concerns, that these symptoms were the result of the medications. He indicated that the lab results were normal (within range). Thank you!

Water and hypertrophy

Is there a relationship between water consumption and hypertrophy? Do you need to drink a certain amount of water to optimize muscle growth?

Way to calculate METs with wearables

Wearables such as Oura or Garmin can calculate active calories burned. Formulas online say calories burned can be calculated using METs with this formula: METs X 3.5 X Bodyweight (in kg) / 200 = KCAL/MIN. But what if we rearrange the equation and try and calculate METs using active calories recorded by wearables such as Oura or Garmin, etc. Is that something that makes sense to do from an accuracy point of view?

Effects of fasting on Insulin Resistance.

In AMA #20 you talk about Insulin Resistance in the liver and why the body would do something that seems to be so harmful. You gave a possible explanation that in times of food deprivation (i.e., fasting) the body would lower insulin and more create more Insulin Resistance in the liver which would decrease hepatic glycogen storage, in order for the body to reserve more free glucose for the brain by not storing it as glycogen. Does this suggest that fasting can actually be harmful for those who are Insulin Resistant because it would cause the liver to be more Insulin Resistant and covert less Glucose into Glycogen? Additionally, would this then cause more creation Intrahepatic Fat, due to what you discussed earlier that disregulation in the conversion of Glucose to Glycogen leads to is an increase in de novo lipogenesis, an increase in the accumulation of intrahepatic fat?