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Concern and Action for TBI due to Boxing and Martial Arts

I did a lot of full contact kick-boxing for about 10 years in my 20's and early 30's (I did not fight competitively but did a lot of hard sparring). I am now in my late 40's and concerned about my risk for TBI and dementia. How concerned should I be and what symptoms should I be on the lookout for? I have not noticed any symptoms so far, but is there any testing or action I should be taking beyond normal brain-healthy behaviors such as sleeping well, exercise, mental stimulation, etc?

Your thoughts on study about pomegranate juice & effect on atherosclerosis “Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation,”

2022 Lancet Meta Analysis - Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia

Comparative effects of pharmacological interventions for the acute and long-term management of insomnia disorder in adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Published: July 16, 2022. DOI:

Unisom and CBD?

Dear Peter, I signed up to become a member after listening to your discussion on sleep. As an acute care surgeon I do about 6 night shifts a month and, although I really enjoy my work, there is a price to pay with sleep. I have been using the Oura Ring to track my sleep and I have a different molecule regimen that has been working well but would like your input. I can often get 8 hours of sleep with: Unisom (25-50mg), CBD 50mg, melatonin, Ashwaganda and GABA. (I did try the glycine you mentioned but straight GABA seems to work better). The Unisom seems to really help me stay asleep and I don’t wake up with a hangover. Moreover, I can Redbull my way out of a Unisom sleep in the rare situation of getting called in for backup when I’m not on primary Trauma call. This has been working well for many months. Benzos, Ambien, and Lunesta are not an option for me. And not sure I can trust Trazadone. So it’s working! My concern is with the reports of possible relation to dementia and any effect on Testosterone. At 48 years old I have become addicted to triathlons and train for about 4 Ironmans a year. I like how Jordan Peterson says exercise is really the best prophylactic against dementia (or mental dullness). I feel that with a good night sleep and exercise my memory and mental acuity has been maintaining on this regimen. I have read some things online about antihistamines and testosterone and want to maintain virulence. In terms of CBD I feel my sleeps are better with it than without. I know people (including physicians) who supplement with THC — but that doesn’t seem wise in our profession. But they sure like the sleep effects. My focused question: concerns for long term risks of Unisom and benefits of CBD? Very respectfully

Doc Parsley ingredient change

You talked about it a few times. Would be good for you to clarify that this supplement has now changed ingredients. It no longer has magnesium L threonate aka magtein and has changed the ingredients. I attributed the high price to the magtein but they charge the same without it! Definitely feeling a bit tricked! Hope you can clarify it in an email or podcast.