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Deep dive into Inflammation biomarkers, in particular hsCRP.

I recently got a blood test done by Inside Tracker, and I was surprised to see that the test results show that my hsCRP (mg/L) was extremely high at 4.4. All of my inflammation biomarkers were at healthy levels according to the test, except for hsCRP. The following are my results: Inflammation: White blood cells (thousands/uL) 3.8 - 10.8 5.4 hsCRP (mg/L) 0 - 3 4.4 Neutrophils (cells/μL) 1500 - 7800 2943 Basophils (cells/μL) 0 - 200 59 Eosinophils (cells/μL) 15 - 500 211 Lymphocytes (cells/μL) 850 - 3900 1814 Monocytes (cells/μL) 200 - 950 373 Neutrophils (percent) (%) 39 - 75 54.5 Eosinophils (percent) (%) 0 - 7 3.9 Basophils (percent) (%) 0 - 2 1.1 Lymphocytes (percent) (%) 16 - 47 33.6 Monocytes (percent) (%) 4 - 12 6.9 There is one crucial detail that I need to mention. The night before the blood test (from around 8 to 9pm) I drank some sake at a restaurant (I forgot I had the blood test the next day). I took the blood test the next day at around 9am. I want to know what is the role of hsCRP, if the reason it is so high in me is because of the alcohol I drank the previous night, or maybe something else. Thank you!!

Deep Dive into the inflammation biomarker hsCRP.

I recently got a blood test done by Inside Tracker, and I was surprised to see that the test results show that my hsCRP (mg/L) was extremely high at 4.4. All of my inflammation biomarkers were at healthy levels according to the test, except for hsCRP. The following are my results: Inflammation: White blood cells (thousands/uL) 3.8 - 10.8 5.4 hsCRP (mg/L) 0 - 3 4.4 Neutrophils (cells/μL) 1500 - 7800 2943 Basophils (cells/μL) 0 - 200 59 Eosinophils (cells/μL) 15 - 500 211 Lymphocytes (cells/μL) 850 - 3900 1814 Monocytes (cells/μL) 200 - 950 373 Neutrophils (percent) (%) 39 - 75 54.5 Eosinophils (percent) (%) 0 - 7 3.9 Basophils (percent) (%) 0 - 2 1.1 Lymphocytes (percent) (%) 16 - 47 33.6 Monocytes (percent) (%) 4 - 12 6.9 There is one crucial detail that I need to mention. The night before the blood test (from around 8 to 9pm) I drank some sake at a restaurant (I forgot I had the blood test the next day). I took the blood test the next day at around 9am. I want to know what is the role of hsCRP, if the reason it is so high in me is because of the alcohol I drank the previous night, or maybe something else. Thank you!!


With Cerebral Small Vessel Disease being the 2nd leading cause of Dementia and also Co-exsists with Alzheimers Prevention and or Reversal of damage to SMALL VESSELS is PARAMOUNT for all who want to prevent dementia. Please Do deep dive for everyone facing SVD or care for people with SVD caused dementia. Fundamentally equally important as ASCVD to discuss for all wanting to be a CENTARIAN

Downregulation of Melatonin receptors?

Hi, I would be very interested in the reference for this, i.e. that melatonin downregulates its receptors. Wouldn’t that lead to a tolerance/dependency problem which you would notice when you cease taking the drug? I could have missed this, but it’s my understanding that melatonin supplementation does not lead to tolerance/dependency that can be observed when you stop taking it.

Prostate and Bicyclists

I don’t think you covered the relationship between PSA and bicycling on your episode with either Lance Armstrong or Tete Schaeffer. Can you share the latest findings on whether there’s an increase risk of cancer or PSA elevation? Seems highly relevant in the nature of peloton.