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Austin Live Event

When are you going to do a live meet up of some kind?

Protocols & Advice for Pet Health

Hi Peter, Love the show, it's such a relief to have a source of health information I feel I can trust. Question: What are some protocols I can follow for my pets (2 cats, but I'm sure others would love information tailored for dogs also) as far as diet, exercise, supplementation, and drugs? I already give my cats sardines (for fish oil), and do something similar to your protocol for zone 5 training, where I have them chase a feather on a string for several sets of short-burst sprints, giving them ~2 minutes rest between sets. This gets them panting pretty hard. I try to do this 2-3 times per week. I would also like to get them on rapamycin in the next couple years, as they are getting to be middle-aged, but I wouldn't know where to begin with that. I assume that zone 2 training and resistance exercise would be healthy for them also but don't know how to make that happen. Maybe a wheel for zone 2? Diet-wise I give them grain-free kibble, but assume I could do better. Any and all recommendations would be super helpful, thanks so much.

Protein and cancer metabolism

Would you modify your protein recommendations for someone who has Prostate cancer and is on active surveillance?

Arginine and herpes

I’m an older man trying to increase muscle mass but in trying to pack in enough protein I’ve noticed that it aggravates herpes. Upon searching, I realized arginine is probably the cause. Since a high percentage if adults carry this virus this problem probably is an issue for many.

How long is “one sitting” as it relates to protein intake?

Per Peter’s podcasts and his own current protocol, protein intake snouts fall within the range of 25-60g “in one sitting”. Can you quantify how much time is in “one sitting”? In other words, what’s the maximum time I can wait between consuming, say, 10g and then another 25g in order for that total of 25g to function as being in the same sitting? Similarly, what’s the minimum time I need to wait after consuming 60g before another 25-60g will do me any good (anabolically)?