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Discordant APOB and APOB/APOA-1 ratio, with the APOB number indicating high risk but the ratio indicating low risk.

If someone has an APOB number that puts them in the high risk category, but also has an APOB/APOA-1 ratio that puts them in a low risk category (under 0.6) because of an even higher APOA-1 number, how should that be resolved? Do you ignore the ratio and rely on just the APOB number, or does the low ratio moderate the risk somewhat and should be factored in. Also, given APOA-1's positive influence on other health factors (, is there any concern that statin use might likewise lower APOA-1 numbers and diminish their positive effects?

CAR and Intermitent fasting

Someone with low CAR, will the fasting window in the morning make the prodution of cortisol in the morning more difficult?

Sugar & protein intake for a 3 yr old

How much sugar and protein should a 3 yr old consume? I read the post about your daughter’s food habits but didn’t get clear signal about how much these values should be for a 34 lbs 3-year old boy. He’s generally fit and used to love meat & seaweed until 2 yrs of age (we hadn’t introduced sugar until then). Now he clamors for “something sweet” for every meal. My wife thinks it’s ok for him to have low-sugar home made banana bread or couple of tsp of honey. But, my observation is that he has become sluggish. He used to walk about 2 miles every morning with grandparents but now rarely wants to walk outside - prefers stroller or car.

Erectile dysfunction and possible cardiovascular-related tests and targets.

48yo with mild ED. 6'5, ~185 lbs, light cardio 4x/wk, mod. weights 3x/wk. Generally super-healthy, but a lot of salt and (organic grass-fed )butter in otherwise amazing paleo-ish diet. I suspect ED is multifactorial (gradually less T with age, psych factors...) but interested in any connections you can make with CV health and what I should test, and targets I should strive for (bonus if I can keep the salt and butter). I'm already onboard with your centagenarian decathalon content, but there's a lot to absorb. Can you go a bit deeper about ED as a possible early warning for CVD and how to correct? p.s. Spoke to a specialist MD about sexual function (can't remember designation) and after taking history, he thought things were average or above average and recommended low-dose Viagra, but... no blood tests. I pressed him and he mentioned the vascular connection... now I'm asking you!


I have type 1 PCOS (insulin resistant) but have lean PCOS. I’m 105 lbs, 5’3” and have been told by several doctors that my diet will not bring down my A1C — that I need to increase metformin and accept that I’ll probably get diabetes bc it’s a hereditary thing. I exercise regularly, mostly fast walks, Pilates, yoga, and lifting weights from time to time. Do you have any recommendations or ideas on how I can reduce my A1C other than these medications? Grateful for all of your knowledge and willingness to help!