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Don Layman and PROTEIN

Can you explain why having smaller meals throughout the day is bad? I am 54 and snack on hi protein foods like hard boiled egg, cottage cheese, jerky…is this bad?

Ketones Too High For Fat Loss?

I’ve done a handful of prolonged fasts (and have been on a very low carb diet for at least a year prior to that). I noticed that after about 40hrs, my ketones are higher than 3.5 and by 48hrs (ore before) they’re often between 4-5. Is this counterproductive to weight loss, as insulin is secreted to offset the ketones? Am I losing lean mass with ketones that high (and would strength training and EAAs help preserve lean mass with ketones that high, albeit, while losing the benefit of autophagy with EAAs.?

Can EAA be counted in the "protein" bucket ?

Really loved the most recent podcast on Protein -- given the difficulty to get the optimal amount on a daily basis-- What are your thoughts to supplementing with EAA on a daily basis? I am currently using the Kion Aminos and am curious if these are contributing in a real way to the morning 35-45g ideal.

3 questions / topic suggestions?

1) endurance training and a-fib 2) list of like minded doctors that do “concierge” medicine 3) we are on a one hour flight, give me the major life interventions that will increase my longevity.

Rucksack rec / discount?

Rucksack recommendation? Maybe line up a member discount? Thanks!