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Ezetimibe, intestinal sterols, and prescription

I just listened to the entire week of Dayspring (and loved every minute). Two part question: Given that most of the cholesterol in the intestines actually doesn't come from food, but actually from the liver (and bile), does ezetimibe prevent the *re*-absorption of cholesterol back into the body as well as prevent incoming dietary sterols by affecting the NPC1L1 protein? Secondly, my apo-B is slightly elevated, but not crazily-so and my PCP does not care and actually refused a prescription for ezetimibe or any apo-B lowering medication. I'm already doing lots of zone 2 and paying attention to diet. How would you suggest getting a prescription for someone who is already considered by standard health care to be "healthy" enough?

Exercise Adjustments to Protect our Muscle Tissues when taking Rapamycin

I recently obtained Sirolimus and I am trying to decide how best to alter my exercise after consuming it to best benefit my muscle composition verses autophagy. Since it takes time in the body to digest and process my proteins through the mTOR pathway, I figure maybe I should wait at least 12 hours after eating before taking Sirolimus so as not to block the mTOR pathway in building muscles. I’ve heard from Matt Kaeberlein that 12 hours after consuming Sirolimus it will be at a max in my body and then from others it’s half-life is about 65 hours. This makes me think that my muscle building through the mTOR pathway will be primarily inhibited during that time. Since exercising tears muscle tissue and mTOR regenerates it, I thought maybe I should hold off on exercising for a period of time after taking Sirolimus. I don't want to disrupt the mTOR inhibition for handling autophagy and wonder if expending energy through muscles is more likely to dissolve those tissues since mTOR is inhibited and ATP will need more generation in exercising. Further, I came across a study that showed that muscle mass was not significantly reduced in mice through blockage of mTORC1 (if I understood it well enough). Let me know your thoughts, and if or how long and how much one may want to avoid or adjust exercising before and after taking Sirolimus.

How to Compute our Effective Protein and Calorie Consumptions

Should we use the specified sums of the foods we eat to compute our daily macronutrient consumptions or should we take into account all the not metabolic processed macronutrients and then subtract those from the specified sums of our foods? It's known that the fibers and artificial sweeteners contain zero calories. The digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDAAS) reduces the protein consumed by the minimal essential amino acid consumed. The digestibility based on anti-nutrient factors of phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors further reduce the digestible protein percentages. For example, a 100 grams of wheat has a stated Nutrition Fact of 15 grams of protein, yet it's quality and absorption value is at 40%, so it's really 6 grams of protein. In assessing our diet of calories and proteins should we really use the stated values of the foods, or should we recompute those numbers based on these and other factors?

Rapa & Acarbose new paper

I would love to get Peter's analysis of this paper as well as a deep dive on Acarbose. Thanks!


I work as a nurse and notice almost all of my older male patients have BPH or some sort of urinary problem (usually all my 90 year old patients have the strong urge to void frequently but strain to only be able to void 25-50 mls) what can I do in my 40s for prostate health?