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I came across information regarding how grapefruit juice increase absorbtion/serum levels of rapa. Is this something that could be utilized to reduce the amount (and thereby) expense of rapa? Given that rapa targets mTor, and rapa has a half life of 60 hours, or so, would a protein restricted, FMD type diet for those 2.5 days potentially enhance the effects?

Actionable breakdown on Amino Acid Daily Amounts

I really enjoyed Don Layman's episode - but having listened to it twice and having read the show notes carefully, it is not clear what the suggested daily amounts of the 3 main amino acids would be broken out, ideally, by age and sex, and where appropriate by kg. Would it be possible to ask him as a follow-up to provide a table?

Optimized amino acids means you can have lower amounts of protein?

Hi Peter and Team The podcast with Don Layman was excellent, up there with Indigo San Millan. I've already making changes to my vegetarian diet. I had a question related to where hes saying you have to have a more conscious focus on the amino acids if you are getting 50-60grams of protein a day. Is he saying that if you only got 50grams of total protein a day, but hit all the amino acid targets there isn't much more benefit then going higher? (other then being more satiating), or is this the minimum effective dose not to fade away, and 50-60grams without optimized amino acids means you will be slowly going backwards in muscle mass and health. Reason i ask is i get 100-120g of protein a day as i am focused on this. My wife on the other hand doesn't focus on protein the way i do, and won't change the way she eats, and as vegetarians i worry she only gets away with this attitude as we are early 30's. Would small tweeks to optimise the amino acid profile in the 50-60grams of protein offer the same benefit of just smashing her protein intake up to 100-120. Thank you

LDL Lowering Mechanism for Fiber and Phytosterols

What is the mechanism that leads to Psyllium fiber and Phytosterols lowering LDL? How beneficial would they be to someone in their 30s?

Diabetes and Statins?

I noted while listening through all the Dayspring podcasts that both docs feel that statins are very safe with minimal risk. However, I also noted that in the Sniderman podcast he quickly says that he feels the jury is still out on whether that risk exists or not. It would be good to dive into this a little deeper especially since Peter has such deep respect for both Dayspring and Sniderman. Thanks!