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Strength + Vo2 Max and Battling Illness

So much gratitude for you and the content here! Keep it up... I'm curious if there is data or if you have an opinion on if having more strength and elite Vo2 max meaningful improves the chances of beating many cancers? For example, if you have two 70 year olds diagnosed with the same cancer, Patient A has diligently been building strength and Vo2 over the last 30 years. Patient B has only worked out 30 minutes a week and is average. I assume that Patient A would have no disadvantage at all, all things being equal, but is there an argument that this consistent training noticeably improves Patient A's chances?

Dexa scan T and Z

For an age 65 male, I was expecting a positive Z score would be greater than the YA T score, since if one is +1.3𝜎 from the YA mean, and your 65-yo peers are declining from YA mean, then such a BMD would be >1.3𝜎 from 65-yo mean. And yet in this test, the Z was 0.9 and the T 1.3. The way I tried to explain this is that the 𝜎 for the 65-yo peers is much larger than the 𝜎 for the 30-yo group. To test this, I looked up a paper that gave BMD by age, and calculated the T score as 1.3: check. But the (BMD-𝜇60)/𝜎60 was 1.5, more in line with my original assumption. How did DEXA come up with 0.9?

What to do about chrome type-work mismatch?

Matthew Walker says that being, for example, a late chronotype can be difficult to reconcile with having to wake up early for work. However, he never gives any tips about what what to do if you’re in that situation? Say your work requires you to wake up early and you can’t or don’t want to switch jobs, despite being a late chronotype and getting shallow sleep on a regular basis… what can you do about it other than leaving your job?

sudden adult death syndrome (SADS)

I'm constantly bombarded with claims that tons of people are dying from SADS (and implying it's the COVID vaccine). Is there any evidence that there are more cases since COVID?

16 year old and coaches asking them to bulk up

What is best way to help kids with proper diet and supplements to grow muscles. Is creating ok for that age? Feel like coaches don’t really know the proper way.