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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Dr. Attia, I take my supplements at night before bed. My thinking is that the body is doing a big job each night of repairing the body and I'm just aiding in the process. When is the best time to take supplements for the best effect? Thank you


Hi Peter, I’m a fairly new member but I just simply want to say thank you for what you do. I’m absolutely hooked on learning from the podcasts and information you are putting out. My question is, when shopping for protein, what should I looks for? Can you share what protein you consume? Thank you

Water fast and Menses/cycle

Considering the hormonal shifts in the female cycle and resulting fluid shifts, do you have any guidance on the best time to do a 3 or 7 day fast in women? Thanks!!

Infrared sauna blankets

Is there any research showing that sauna blankets have benefits? A ‘real’ sauna would be great but looking for an option in a small house with very little space.

Sleep Quality and Workout Efficiency

I'm fully on board with how critical sleep is. My question is after the unforeseen night where a child is up sick, a false alarm goes off, or otherwise "life happens" and you only get, say 4 hours and feel really bad (exhausted, cranky, weak) the next day. In that situation do you recommend powering through a scheduled workout or skipping/rescheduling and letting your body rest. -- A similar question would be if you wake up with a little cold - power through or let the body heal?