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Running and biking

Why do you mostly bike vs run for zone 2 sessions? I’m 60 and do both but as I age I get so much more sore running (switched to the run/walk method recently and that helps) if I use it as my main mode of level 2 sessions. Biking/swimming are so much easier on the body but I feel like I’m losing some physiological benefits if I stop running (e.g., bone health). Can you explain why biking/swimming might be better modes to focus on vs running as we age with level 2 sessions.

HCG availability and other options

I was on HCG and TRT until the HCG became unavailable a couple of months ago, and was desiring to ween off TRT while remaining on HCG. Do you know if there are still safe avenues to get HCG and, if not, something else that would work to accomplish this? I'd like to remain fertile for the next five years. Is getting off TRT with no HCG my only avenue? Thanks!

Food for kids in school

Are there any guidelines as to what the nutritional facts of a school menu should be? I have tried to tell them that they should only serve real food but they do not get it. Any studies that show that pizza and pudding leads to metabolic syndrome over time? Any templates as to how a menu should look like?

Heartburn Releif

What are the recommendations from the doc and the team on treatment of chronic acid reflux/GERD/gastritis? I have personally lived with this condition since high school and the only (consistant) relief I've found has been with the daily use of relatively low dosage (20mg/day) proton pump inhibitors. I've used this for decades and am concerned about the effects of long-term usage including reduction in calcium absorption leading to osteoporosis, increased risk of early onset dementia, peripheral neuropathy, leaky gut syndrome, et al. Multiple attempts to stop/wean PPI treatment have failed miserably for myself and many others suffering from the same conditions and treatment. I would very much appreciate a deep dive into the subject including a systematic approach to coming off long-term use of PPIs and discussion regarding a sustainable solution for releif from the underlying condition(s).

DNA Tests

I know you are not a fan of the commercial DNA tests (eg 23 & Me) but do you hold this position for the Nebula “100% Whole Genome” sequencing. See link below. If this truly sequences my entire genome, I thought this would be a helpful exercise. I haven’t seen other commercial companies proclaim they are sequencing my entire genome. However I also recognize this may just be a marketing gimmick. If that is the case, I won’t waste my money. Any insights you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you - and keep up the great work!