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Fasting frequency and duration vs BMR for weight loss

You have stated on several occasions that you believe that intermittent fasting, at least up to OMAD, is effective in weight control primarily, if not exclusively, due to the limiting of total caloric intake. You have also described your quarterly weeks of nothing burgers, and I believe your discussions of substantial weight loss using medically supervised extended fasts up to 30 days can result in weight loss with other benefits such as the lack of excess skin, autophagy, etc. My questions regarding fasting are: 1- Can I fast for a couple of days on a regular basis to reduce my total caloric intake without resetting my BMR? As an example, if I am currently eating about 2500 calories per day in two meals in a 6 hour window daily, can I fast from Friday second meal (5PM) to Monday first meal (11AM) every week to cut 5000 calories per week without lowering my BMR over time? 2- If this is too often, how about every other weekend? Once a month? 3- Should I think about it as a ratio of time at normal caloric intake vs time on the nothing burger? i.e. to fast for 2 days, I should eat normally for 5, or 12, or more? 4- If fasting more often than once a month is not optimum, can I go 4 or 5 days once a month? I am 60, so losing weight and especially keeping it off feels like a constant struggle shoveling sand against the incoming tide. I do not intend to go gentle into the good night, so any help you can provide on this topic will help me maintain my rage against the dying of the light. As it were... I imagine that rigorous RCT testing is pretty hard to do, and probably expensive, so I am looking primarily for your informed opinion and related thoughts, rather than a definitive specific answer as to what would be best for me. Thanks for the good work on the podcast by you and your team, and be well.


BP measurement at home. Measurements can vary from normal (118/69) to 155/95. Average is 138/84. What reading should you rely on? If I take bp 4x over 10 min, it will steadily decrease, should I use the lowest measurement? Does the average indicate that there is atherosclerotic changes and that I should start meds?

Functional movement, Olympic lifting

You don’t talk about Olympic lifting, eg doing clean and jerk etc. aren’t these exercises done properly the best way to incorporate functional movement, strength, mobility for longevity?

Zone 2 exericise

Using lactate meter with wahoo kikr with heart rate, notice that I my zone 2 decreases over 60 min workout. Watts at 0-15min is 132 for lactate less then 2, 15-30min watts is 125, 30-60min watts is 119. Why is t hi s happening. Also watts/ kg is stuck at same level over 7 months if doing zone2 4x week for 45-60min. Should it stay at same level or will it increase, and should I focus on trying to increase it with zone 5 training?

Hormone therapy during perimenopause for Alzheimer's prevention?

Given the emerging consensus that perimenopause is a pivotal time for disease prevention but lack of clarity on hormone therapy before menopause as well as optimal timing and type (particularly as oestradiol can fluctuate) I would love to see an interview with someone like Roberta Brinton on this topic, covering the latest thinking on type (progesterone only or oestradial and testosterone too? compounded or not? cyclical or continuous etc?) and optimal timing etc for women in perimenopause.