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Athletic Greens Reaction

Hello, I'm a fairly new member having joined this spring after hearing the podcast on Zone 2 power training. I've been an obsessed cyclist for a solid 25 years and I appreciate all the great and relevant content. I few months back I ordered AG for my wife and I to start taking. As suggested on day one I took it on an empty stomach then had my usual breakfast of oatmeal before going out on a bike ride. Early into the ride I noticed that my heart rate was spiking and stayed elevated at around the mid-170's. I thus turned around and went home and after a few hours my elevated heart rate subsided. Day #2 woke up took AG went for a bike ride and experienced the same situation. I stopped taking AG after those two days and have not had any other episodes of elevated hear rate. I did share this with my Cardiologist who indicated that one or a couple of the ingredients may be acting as a stimulant for me. To provide a little background. I see a Cardiologist because in 2019 at age 54 I noticed elevated HR readings on several of my rides (190-220) bpm. I was diagnosed with Afib and had a successful ablation in early 2020. After the AG episodes my Dr had me wear a Zio HR monitor for two weeks. The results were deemed normal for me by my Cardiologist and not concerning. For the last year + I rarely have caffeinated drinks (low dose 20-50 mg) packets of Four sigmatic coffee. No alcohol and I have been drinking LMNT for a while now as my go to hydration choice. My question: Is it possible that my body is reacting to AG as if it were a high octane supplement or is it unlikely and probably not associated with my two high HR episodes. Again. Love and appreciate all of the great content!! All the Best!

Your workday non-exercise movement practices

You've spoken ad nauseam about your exercise routines, but would love to hear more about your strategies for movement throughout the workday.

Fasting and autophagy - how good is the evidence?

In the Diet Doctor podcast #89 (around 51:00), Dr. Tommy Wood of the University of Washington stated that: 1) most studies of the impact of fasting on autophagy in humans use mRNA levels of autophagy-associated proteins in the blood as evidence of an increase in autophagy, but that this is not necessarily valid; 2) muscle biopsy studies indicate that it takes 3 days of fasting to get the same level of autophagy that can be provided by 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Unfortunately he did not provide references. Do you agree with either of the above? I have heard/read the assertion that fasting promotes autophagy countless times, but have never seen a detailed discussion of the evidence. Thanks for all your work.

Seed Oils

How bad are seed oils? In Asia, vegetable oils are virtually impossible to avoid when eating out! Should we be using just butter or certain oils for cooking? Do you follow and specific protocol regarding the oils you use for sautéing vegetables for example?

How do you detox from metals?

I haven't heard you talk about measuring metal toxicity before. Recently I got tested and found that my mercury and bismuth levels are abnormally high. Not sure why, I'm in my 20s, exercise regularly, and eat relatively healthily, while not eating abnormally large amounts of seafood. How common is this and what are some potential cures?