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What to measure during initial and annual physicals?

I've come across many podcasts and articles where there is talk about tests that we should consider (Lp(a), apoB, etc.), but I can't find a resource where these are all listed out. This makes it a lot of work to get a list of what to ask my primary care doc for at my annual physical. Would it be possible to list the tests that should be considered at an initial and annual physicals as well as the literature to back them up? Thank you!

Longevity practices and self-obsession

Hi Peter and team - others have asked questions (yet unanswered :) about how you and your clients/patients implement your recommended lifestyle/eating/sleep etc programs, and all they great things they promise, while still living relationally and not being so focused on your metrics, markers etc that you are not a good parent/son, spouse, friend, etc. Add up the time to manage supplements, cardio, weights, eating, sleeping well, meditating, managing stress and it's closing in (for me) on a half time job which leaves too little time for a young family, house needs and oh yeah a career :) Love to hear how you recommend patients balance it all without feeling like they are failing at "Attia Medical LIfe Method" and letting people down. Prioritization of some sort based on individual health issues/propensity?? Thanks

Mental health risks around focusing so much on the future and long life...

A related question please on behavioral health risks of being too focused on living for the future vs more immediate enjoyment of life. How do you/your expert colleagues recommend one balance human nature's focus on short term pain avoidance/pleasure gain vs the activities needed to make the centennial olympics? What does one tell oneself when you really want the cheeseburger and wine? How do you keep a long term dedicated approach to self-denial of things that are eminently pleasurable when the payoff is 50 years away? How do you balance the FOMO of being "too good" and missing enjoyment of the best times of your life - generally while you're younger vs older with limited gait/mobility, etc?? Curious

Zone 2 for Hypoxic Training

I am currently training in hypoxic chamber to prepare for a high altitude trek. How can I deduce my Zone 2 heart rate at a lowered oxygen level?

Medical Specialty

Hello Dr. Attia, I am an MSTP student in the program's 7th year. I am currently finishing my PhD thesis regarding the biology of rhabdomyosarcoma. Similar to your start in medicine, my research led me to become interested in pursuing orthopedic oncology, but I have also long held a passion for the science of longevity and fitness. As an academic physician in training, your current area of medicine sounds fascinating. From both a personal and career aspect, what specialty is your practice considered and how would one begin to pursue it?