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Covid Recovery exercise and cardiac risk

I have heard of cardiac inflammation after even mild cover infections. Should a person restrict exercise for a recovery period? I follow your zone 2 training recommendations, and am planning to lay off for 2 or three weeks for just this reason. I didn't know if this concern was unfounded. Normally I would say if i felt fine, it should be ok for some reason I have it in my head there could be some arterial or other inflammation, and maybe I should take it easy.

Can we get an updated perspective/facts on covid vaccination for infants?

My wife is proposing we get our 1.5yr old vaccinated. Can we get an update on your perspective with regard to vaccinating vs. not vaccinating infants and young children>

Is nanoparticle drug delivery to treat atherosclerosis as plausible as this article suggests?

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Zone 2 Blood glucose lowering

Zone 2 utilizes fatty acid as fuel source primarily. What explains the observation that blood glucose predictively lowers while doing zone 2 activity (even while fasted)? Is it the non-insulin dependent glucose uptake via the stretching of skeletal muscle?

Leaky gut

I'm a physician and I'm struggling to sort through the evidence, or dearth thereof, for leaky gut. Mark Hyman references it as if it's established knowledge and makes pretty bold claims. Can you speak to your opinion on this topic? Perhaps help with sourcing quality evidence? Sounds overblown and it inflames my BS detector.