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Animal based diets

I have many patients that have asked me questions about animal based diets, the benefits they’ve seen with arthritis, autoimmune conditions. Occasionally, I see big jumps in ApoB in patients who start that lifestyle. What would you suggest to those types of people? Thank you

Cholesterol and all cause mortality

There seems to be significant evidence to at least question the benefit of lowering cholesterol to the current recommended levels. Several international studies suggest an inverse relationship between cholesterol and all cause mortality. How do you reconcile these studies? I link to one review regarding LDL-C and cardiovascular disease.

Plant vs. Animal Proteins

Hey there! Newer member here. I sorted through some of the previously asked questions on this topic but was not sure if there answers/responses. Do you have general thoughts on plant vs. animal sources of protein, specifically for a moderate-to-highly active lifestyle (I hesitate to use the word "athlete" since I'm not a professional, but am very active daily). Obviously there are tons of weeds to sort through on this topic. I recently did a sort of "protein audit" on my diet and found that I was pretty close to the 1g/pound number, but a large portion of this was coming from plant sources (soy, lentils, beans, nuts), I'd probably say maybe 60-75%. Is there a certain % of protein intake that ideally would be plant vs. animal sourced, and what types of animal sources would you say are the most efficient (i.e. if I were trying to limit but not exclude animal sources, what would give me the most bang for my buck, so to speak). And if you have a Podcast or general respond to this somewhere, please feel free to point me in that direction. Thanks!

Most important exercise regimen for parents over 80, 90 years old?

My mom is in her mid 80's and has had several falls. They are getting more frequent. She has never done strength training in her life and generally did very little exercise. My dad is in his 90's and has had no falls. He never went to a gym, but did some at-home exercises and played tennis until about 10 years ago. Neither one has done any exercise besides light walking for years now. Without a gym, what are the most important (and safe), stability and strength exercises that they could start doing from home? Buying some home exercise equipment is fine. Also, I've started stocking their pantry with low sugar, whey protein shakes.

Pendulum / probiotics

I recently started taking courses of probiotics from Pendulum and after ~6 weeks, I was completely stunned by the results. Happy to share these data in detail, but in summary my blood sugar now rarely spikes above 110, whereas prior I was in the 140-150 range postprandial. My trailing average (and median) are 92, with a standard dev of 9. (Source: twice/day calibrated Dexcom G6) My question is when are you going to have Colleen Cutcliffe on the program to discuss Pendulum innovative work in this space?