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Alternative to Prolon ?

You’ve acknowledged Prolon is a brand, and, as someone who has done 7 rounds of Prolon, I’d love to learn how to create my own FMD. I don’t have the willpower to completely fast for more than a day, but I’d also love to never have one of those ____ soups again, not to mention $$$. I don’t feel I know enough about which combo of low calorie foods could work together in order to accomplish autophagy, and I definitely don’t want to suffer for nothing! A vegan version would be appreciated :)

Stretching Routine - Injury Prevention

Love the show! Thank you! Also, loved the most recent compilation. Peter often says the most important thing is to AVOID GETTING INJURED. Makes sense. Can you please talk about how stretching factors in and what specifically is needed from a stretching point of view to avoid injury? I used to follow the Jesse S videos you put out but its ALOT to get through in addition to everything else. I'm lifting 4 times a week, trying to do 3 days zone 2, 1 day zone 5, farmer carries & dead hangs twice a week. Suffice to say, it's a decent amount of time already focused on this and there is a good deal of tightness generated. What's the minimum effective dose for stretching to avoid injury and what might it look like? I also recall you saying recently you favor dynamic stretching to foam rolling. Could you broadly lay out how you think stretching should factor in for the average person who wants to compete in the centenarian Olympics? More specifically, I'm wondering how stretching factors in. I heard recently you proioritize dynamic stretching over static. Can you tell us about steps you take to avoid injury? I used to do the Jesse Schwartzman routine

comment on compilation episode #206: please do more!

This is a comment on the recent compilation episode with clips from previous podcasts. I thought it was fantastic, very helpful in terms of getting a bigger picture of the different topics, and for following up with different episodes with a better understanding of a context. I would love to hear similar compilations on 1) all things cancer and metabolic oncology, 2) diabetes and insulin resistance and metabolic disease, and maybe even how they feed into cancer. Thank you!

Fatigue and energy levels

Could you please explain the factors that contribute to feelings of energy and fatigue throughout the day, and how we can increase daily energy and vitality?

Exercise and lymph nodes

I’m a doctor by vocation but I do not work as a doctor, unfortunately. In 2018 I was diagnosed with breast cancer . Fortunately caught on time in II a stage . Regular check ups ok results. Today was my check up day and I was told that the lymph node in the armpit on the operated side was enlarged ( the cortex and the architecture of the node is ok it is not changed ) I was wondering is it possible that my fitness exercise provoke the enlargement. Having in mind that during the operation they extracted many lymph nodes on that side . My question is How do I continue? What type of exercise should I practice ?