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How would you advise managing medication in the event of an EMP?

Hi Peter, If there was an EMP where medication was suddenly cut off permanently, how would you advise people take their remaining medication? Please address the most common meds such as blood pressure, statins, thyroid? I know that an EMP is extreme; but it sounds like an interesting question for you. Even with supply chain issues (or problems with China) this situation could arise temporarily. Thank you!

Practical Zone 2 Considerations

Peter & All - Thanks so much for the great insight and work. I know this has been discussed at length, but I am wondering about some practical considerations for Zone 2 training. Since learning about Zone 2, I have seriously lowered the intensity of my cardio workouts. This has been great. For one thing, after working out in the morning, I no longer go through the rest of the day in a fog like Ed Norton in Fight Club, which is helpful for someone who has a very professionally demanding job. But I'm not sure I'm in Zone 2 - the only tool I have is a Garmin watch that tells me my heartrate. And I almost always run with my dog, which means I'm occasionally stopping to attend to dog-related issues. Plus my route has hills, which I slow down for to keep my HR constant. My questions are: is there any low-budget way to approximate Zone 2 with HR? Am I still getting the benefits if there are occasional starts and stops and/or occasionally going over Zone 2? Thanks!

Free Fatty Acids usefulness in metabolic health?

I've been reading Reaven's 1988 Banting Lecture on hyperinsulinemia and in it he talks extensively about FFA elevation in plasma as potentially causative of hyperglycemia. I'm a physician and never measure FFA and am curious if you ever check this or if you know of any possible usefulness on top of plasma glucose/insulin levels. It seems like other than Reaven, no one ever discusses FFA.

Calorie restriction or TRF then?

So after the discussion with Layne, and Peter has mentioned this before the interview with Layne too - is time-restricted feeding just another way of reducing caloric intake , kind of yes, as the discussion went. Then is there still benefit to fasting, the role of autophagy is still relevant presumably? Perhaps the daily time restricted feeding is just that, calorie intake reduction but to benefit from autophagy one needs to do a longer (proper?) water only fast and reduce/control your calories in what ever way is helpful or useful??


Peter, I know you strongly value weight training. What are your thoughts on calisthenics for strength training? Can it replace weight training or will body weight workouts fall short of optimum effectiveness?