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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Protein Rx for total or lean body weight

Peter, are your protein recommendations based on total body weight or lean body mass? I’m a former endurance junkie that is overweight with low muscle mass. I want to loose weight and gain muscle and am following your exercise recommendations. However, I would find it very difficult to consume my total body weight in grams of protein every day.

Clarification of recent protein recommendations

For an overweight/obese individual looking to lose fat, should the recommendation to consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (or about 1 gram per pound) be calculated based on current body weight, current lean body mass, or ideal/goal bodyweight or another metric? Thanks

Persuading your Cardiologist for early/aggressive treatment of Heart Disease

First off, thank you for everything this team does! I'm a 32 y.o. male that exercises/weight trains 4-6 times per week, eats healthy and overall tries to be mindful of my health. Unfortunately, I got a bad hand of genetics and already have an increased ApoB and lipid panel. However, my cardiologist is resistant to start a statin and/or PSCK9 inhibitor at my age to bottom out my cholesterol as Dr. Attia has mentioned on the most recent AMA. It would be helpful if you could provide guidance on how to persuade a cardiologist to start early prevention. I've found that they aren't receptive to, "I listened to this podcast" or "This Dr. on the internet told me". :) Thanks!!!

daily protein reco

Should it be calculated based on lean body mass?

Creatine and Protein effects on Renal Function

I'm a 52 yo female weighing 52kg and have been using creatine (5g) daily. I had a measured creatinine of 1.09 (out of normal limits) while using then after 2 weeks of abstaining, 0.92. Is this spurious? Would you make certain alterations in dose for CRF/CRI or weight? 2) Would you make different recommendations for protein intake based on age, renal function abnormalities or sex?