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Dr Alissa Zingman as podcast guest

Could you please invite Dr Alissa Zingman as a podcast guest? She was a professional dancer prior to having problems which were eventually diagnosed as Ehlers-Danos syndrome and now runs a clinic for people with this condition. The treatment for the condition is doing exercises to maintain high levels of physical stability. Here is an article on her and she sounds fascinating and well within your 'wheelhouse'. I love your work but think you need more female podcast guests. She sounds easily of the calibre to be invited and apparently is very articulate.

Long Term Effects of Pancreatitis

How does pancreatitis affect health long term, particularly when it had an unknown cause (not alcoholism)? Is there anything folks who have had a bout of acute pancreatitis in the past should be doing differently than those who haven't?

Take a look at the Dunning-Kruger original study and compare it to the popular notion

I was shocked to find Peter referring to Dunning-Kruger in the first Layne Norton episode without either of those actually looking at the original study in which the effect very modest and could easily be explained by regression to mean and many other things. I am flabbergasted that two such scientifically literate people make such a fundamental and easy mistake.

Prevent Falling

You say strength training will help prevent falling. Which is better to train for, hypertrophy or strength?

Euphoria or lightheadedness

I experience Euphoria or lightheartedness when trying to do zone 2 exercise on my Rogue Echo bike. I'm 44 years old, I'm 6'4" tall 320lbs, about 30% body fat I guess, might be closer to 20. I have a family history of a genetic liver defect that affects my lipids, hyperglycemia. I have a family history of high triglycerides. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences something similar. My power drops from about 200 watts to about 140 after about 30 minutes. I almost feel like I'm gana fall off my bike, I want to close my eyes and drift off. Its not a particularly painful experience but it doesn't feel good either. If no one else has this experience I think I'm gana have to keep bugging my doctor about it. Doesn't seem to go away with lower intensity. I can do 4 minutes of about 325 watts without too much issue.