Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Women's Health: Frequency of Mammograms and Neuroprotective Effect of HRT

Hi Peter, Let me preface this by saying that I'm a huge fan of the podcast. As a woman and an avid listener, I cling to every nugget of information regarding women's health that you discuss with your guests. I'd love an AMA on women's health, particularly around the frequency of mammograms i.e., is the benefit of doing them annually worth the risk of yearly radiation exposure? Are their other screening tools that are effective and with less risk, such as thermography? Also, could you address your current thoughts on the neuroprotective benefits of HRT (you'd mentioned that you had some thoughts on this when speaking with Richard Isaacson in episode #18)? Thanks and keep up the great work!

Your gain of lean muscle mass

Peter: in a recent AMA or podcast you indicated that in the last 15 months you had gained14 pounds of muscle mass in the last year. This is very interesting in that you have been exercising and lifting regularly for many years. It would be great to learn the details of your accomplishment. You obviously made some significant changes in nutrition and training protocols.

Telomere testing?

How do you feel about the value of telomere testing to understand biological age?

One day a week fasting

Is there any benefits of water only fasting one day a week? Or is three day fasts the minimum to achieve benefits from fasting?

Updated opinion on nicotine per new meta analysis?

In the nicotine IAMA the evidence for its beneficial effects seem to be from However, this paper seems to discredit that publication Does this change your opinion on nicotine's net positive effects?