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Mast Cells

Can you give us the Time Magazine overview of Mast Cells? How common is MCAS and what should you do if you suspect you\'re releasing Mast Cells when exercising? (Runs on your runs :-))(Anecdotally, doesn\'t seem to be an issue in Z2 ) Thanks much.

Lipoprotein (a) Test

Hi Peter, Thank you so much for all of your knowledge and expertise. I found your podcast over a year ago and cannot stop listening. You are on the cutting edge and we need more doctor's like you who are trying to increase peoples healthspan I want to predicate this with I know you cannot give health advice as you are not my doctor but was wondering about the results of my test. I am a 35 year old white male. Overweight (but working on it). My family has a history of pre-mature heart disease, CVD, etc. We have been monitoring my cholesterol for a few years and it has always been on the high side. Decided it was finally time to start taking a couple statins to help. Before we started i had my Lipoprotein (a) tested. The test results came back as 258 nmol/L. I know that anything over 100 puts someone at high risk. Especially for someone with a history. I believe this result puts me in the 99%-99.9% of Lipoprotein (a) but I can't find exact answers 3 months after my start of statins and all of my cholesterol numbers are down over 40% which seem to be great. Unfortunately we tested my Lipoprotein (a) again and the results surprised me i am now at 391 nmol/L. I know that there are not specific drugs to reduce this number but I am really curious what I should do as next steps. This question is probably outside of the scope of things you want to answer but I am just astounded by my high numbers and really don't know what else to do

Framework for statin usage

Hi Peter, What is the framework you use when discussing statin usage with a patient? What markers do you look at to make this decision and how does this vary with age? In what cases is statin use for early prevention reasonable and unreasonable?

Covid (or any infection) and ASCVD / CAC

I have been diagnosed with a small amount of CAC at the age of 42. I have no risk factors at all, but had a number of cardiac issues following Covid including myocarditis. I’ve done some research, including contacting Dr Jeremy Nicholson (Imperial College, London) who is doing groundbreaking research into post-Covid biomarkers and he has personally emailed me to confirm Covid is “highly atherogenic”, apob levels in particular skyrocket for up to a year after infection. There is also one study looking at early pandemic Chinese CTCAs in which 2 patients with no risk factors rapidly developed atherosclerotic CAC too (both were 0 but within 2 weeks were 36 and 6 respectively). Why are no cardiologists looking at or talking about this very significant and concerning new risk factor? Thanks

How can I find a doctor on board with "lower is better" and more aggressive lowering of cholesterol for prevention?

Do you have any advice on finding a doctor who would support a patient who would like to maintain LDL levels below 70 for prevention? Or even 100? After your podcast and reading 3 dozen or so papers I have bought in to this paradigm, but getting even a specialist to go off script beyond recommendations based on 5y risk has been an uphill battle.