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just watched your dietary strategy video

shouldn’t you be headed for an eat clean diet with reasonable macros. really if it is processed food (SAD) typically pumped with sugar or booze (ok i do saturdays and special events for wine) it needs to be dropped. eventually it works and it is no longer a diet per se. there is no lifelong calorie restriction (impossible) you lose the taste for sugary junk. and if you are active it is really hard to overeat - nobody ever got fat on too much chicken or vegs or fruit. i read the south beach diet awhile back. that’s all he really does in the end except goes through the drama of cutting all sugar sources initially probably to get people excited . most people really just don’t know what junk food is and i suppose the food companies lawyers protect from being called out. i just signed up so maybe i missed something elsewhere.

Playing catch with a bomb

Why don’t the doctors who appear on YouTube lectures touting high saturated fat ketogenic diets to the general population mention the dangers of such diets to people with familial hypercholesterolemia or Lp(a)? (Examples include Ken Berry, Eric Westman, Nadir Ali, Robert Cwyes, Paul Mason, Dwight Lundell, Michael Eades, Stephen Phinney, etc., etc., as well as many who are not physicians like Ivor Cummins and Dave Feldman, etc.) I’m not saying that keto diets don’t have some merit. I lost 20 lbs, broke my sugar addiction, got rid of migraines and joint pain on keto. What I didn’t realize was that I probably have FH and that I do have Lp(a). I have since adjusted my diet to lower sat. fat. I still eat low carb but not keto, and I have not gained the weight back. (I am a 60-yr-old woman.) Thanks to listening to your interviews with Tom Dayspring and Alan Sneiderman, I understood exactly what was happening in my body when my doctor told me I had Lp(a), and I knew a statin drug was in my best interest to bring down my abnormally high cholesterol. Perhaps, thanks to keto, my A1C is low, CRP is low, and my triglycerides are very low. And, thanks to keto (which made my LDL+HDL skyrocket) my doctor flagged me to see a lipidologist who found that I have Lp(a) and a moderate CAC. For me, it worked out. But what about the well intentioned people who disregard or don’t know that a lipid panel with off-the-chart results is a red flag for further investigation—because a YouTube doc said high lipids are nothing to worry about? Please please do a podcast about this. You also do lectures on YouTube, but thanks to the science you cover and your exceptional guests, I have been able to educate myself so I can make we’ll-informed decisions. I wonder how many more people are out there who think they’re doing the best for their health when they’re actually playing catch with a bomb?

Ascending aorta dilatation: exercise modification needed?

For those with a dilated ascending aorta, are any modifications required for strength or Zone 2/5 training or athletic participation, particularly in contact sports like BJJ? Do isometrics (yielding or overcoming), super slow technique to momentary failure (using weights, bands, or body weight) need to be eschewed if one breathes throughout? Can BJJ or similar activities be continued if the practice is kept dynamic and high intensity isometric positions are avoided?

Protein versus Rapamycin?

It’s interesting to hear about your renewed focus on protein intake and the importance of maintaining muscle mass for longevity. I’d be interested to know how this jibes with your thoughts on rapamycin use and down-regulating mtor? It seems like increasing protein and taking rapamycin at the same time might be working against each other. Also, what are your current thoughts on (multi-day) fasting? You talked about becoming skeptical about TRE other than how it affects caloric intake, but what about autophagy and such?

Advanced glycation end products

I just finished reading The AGE-Less Diet by Dr Helen Vlassara, and what an eye-opening new category of something to worry about! What are your thoughts on advanced glycation end products, and do you think they are a significant contributor to unhealthy aging? Would you consider having Dr Vlassara on your podcast?