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Generalizability of Zone 2 Training?

When I do Zone 2 training on the indoor bike (recumbent), is it right to think that I am improving mitochondrial function only in the leg muscles that drive the pedaling? If that’s true, is there are an argument for cross training Zone 2 across multiple muscle systems, in order to expand the benefits?

Generalizability of Zone 2 Training #2

Is it right to think that Zone 2 training will improve mitochondria in skeletal muscle, but not in other organs? I assume there would not be an expected benefit on mitochondria in the nervous system?


Not much talk regarding fasting lately. What are your current thoughts? Still doing 3 days? Longer fasts for autophagy? Also, I am a competitive master track and field participant, age 61, my numbers are classified as "world class". I thought I was in great health, been taking a statin for 20 plus years, moderate high blood pressure, Dr. said my blood test numbers look good. I asked to have a Heart calcium score done, due to family history. Never had chest pain, treadmill stress test was fine. My score was 2036!, can this be reversed or stopped. I understand you cannot give me medical advice, but in general, what can someone with a high score do to stop new formations? Thank You!!

DAO/Grass Fed Kidney Supplements?

Hello Dr Attia. I can’t recall if you’ve covered the specific topic of food histamines, and how one would diagnose and treat them. Every time I drink red wine or eat chocolate (even dark chocolate), I develop a red, painful sore at the tip of my nose. It’s not stress related (since I’m always stressed but not always afflicted with this skin issue). Some have suggested that it’s a histamine issue, and I would like to buy/try a DAO supplement. Any thoughts, other than the obvious one of elimination, and recommended products? Thank you.

Sleep inertia

How do you combat sleep inertia/morning grogginess so you can start your morning most productively?