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Hi! I love all your invaluable prevention tips, but is there anything more one can do once prevention is no longer an option? I’m 55 and had a coronary calcium score of 475 by the time I was 50 (hereditary). I’m on Repatha, I eat a gf whole food plant based diet, 109 lbs, and workout 3x per week (room for improvement here!). I just started metformin and wearing a CGM to try to optimize my diet even more. Cardiologist says all I can do is take Repatha, exercise and eat Mediterranean diet. Is there truly nothing else to do but wait for an eventual heart attack? I don’t think you take new patients for a consult?, so I’m asking here in hopes you address it in an AMA. THANK YOU!!!!!

Hypoxia and Autophagy

I was listening to your podcast with Eileen White and was interested in how hypoxia was such a potent mechanism for stimulating autophagy. Wondering what that means in practical terms. Is there benefit to breath hold exercises like the Apnea tables free divers use? Are there other breath hold exercises that we can safely practice that could help improve our lifespan/healthspan?

The optimal amount of lean body mass

It's known that more muscle/lean body mass is considered healthy, but building additional muscle mass necessitates a higher calorie intake and therefore likely more and higher glucose spikes even with relatively healthy food choices. Furthermore, at a certain level the weight of all the additional muscle will cause its own set of health problems health problems such as hypertension and OSAS. My question is what amount of muscle/lean body mass do you consider optimal for longevity. Maybe easier to apply for many is what would an optimal BMI look like at certain fat percentages for longevity e.g. BMI of 24 at 10% body fat meaning the higher BMI is because of muscle. Thanks!

Ketones while doing time restricted feeding

If someone is doing time restricted feeding, like a 16/8 split and eating a low carb high fat diet, but not a true ketogenic diet, do they go into ketosis during the fasting period? Is it required in order to burn fat? What is the difference between burning body fat for fuel vs burning dietary fat for fuel?

Advice for young people

I am a college student at the moment, and I have been loving listening to your podcasts and learning lots. My question is what are the most important things out of all your strategies that you would reccommend to a college student. Quick note, as with most college students I have a limited budget, and limited time. (studying to go pre-med). Thanks!