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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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More of a comment, than a question. I would really encourage Peter to issue an audiobook version of his book. Many people, like me, are very busy. Listening while driving or exercising is how I get my information. Thus the popularity of podcasts. I would never have the time to sit and read your long book, however, I will easily listen to a long audiobook. A bonus, would be if you read it. I heard you discount the value of this, but I believe that your readers (listeners) would beg to differ. Now, I will buy it even if you don't read it, but I believe that you investing 2 weeks of your time to read it, will pay benefits on the back end. (From someone who has listened to hundreds of audiobooks.)

TRF vs. Caloric Restriction

In the recent "Strong Convictions Loosely Held" episode Peter very briefly mentioned an updated viewpoint on TRF's benefits coming from caloric restriction vs. time per se. I would love to hear more of a deep dive on this. Does this change Peter's nutritional framework (time/caloric/dietary restriction - always be doing 1, often 2, sometimes all 3)? I use Peter's Zero app and the timer showing the body entering various fasting zones seems incongruous with this updated conclusion, but maybe I'm missing something? Thank you for everything the team puts out and for reminding us often to revise our views in the face of new information!


Please elaborate on your podcast # 202 re TRF

Does periodization have a role when training for longevity

How does the concept of periodization fit into Peter's physical exercise framework? When training for races/other events, we expect to see cyclical patterns in performance metrics (e.g., VO2 max peaking at a race), and many sources would say that this pattern is desirable (we can't maintain peak performance at all times). Does periodization have a role in a paradigm where we are not looking to maximize performance but are focused on longevity? Do you simply have metrics you are shooting for (e.g., percentile of VO2 max for an age category) and you want to get there as quickly as possible and hold, or are there benefits we can derive from natural variation, training breaks, etc. Thank you!

What meds/supplements does Peter take?

I'm wondering if Peter would be willing to share all the prescription medications and supplements that he takes on the daily/weekly/monthly/etc. I\'m curious which med/supplements he takes out of necessity (e.g. a blood pressure medicine) versus prevention/longevity. He\'s touched on topics like metformin and rapamycin etc. so I\'m just very curious what regimens he\'s on. Thanks! I understand you are certainly entitled to your privacy and your health info is certainly private but it would give a lot of insight to many of us if put in the right context.