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Holistic Mobility & Flexibility Improvement

I’m an active person that regularly lifts weights and plays sports recreationally, but I often find myself being limited by my mobility and flexibility. The most common examples for me being left shoulder pain while working out, back pain after playing a lot of golf, and general back stiffness when swinging a golf club - all of these things become limiting factors in these activities and can ruin workouts and golf rounds. With that context, we arrive at my main question…do you have any recommendations for how someone can go about holistically improving their full body mobility (my two biggest problem areas are back and shoulders but it’s possible something else could be throwing those off)? Would it be a good idea to see a physical therapist for a maintenance session where they may be able to provide a routine? Do you know any respected minds in this field that have helpful content on the internet? Or any other suggestions you may have. Thank you!

Muscle isolation during zone 2 training

Discussion of the zone 2 training mentioned the fact that the mitochondria in the muscles are benefitting. Does this mean that if I'm doing zone 2 training on a bike that I'm only improving the health of the mitochondria specifically in my quads? Seems like there are a lot of other muscular mitochondria that would benefit from zone 2. If I'm not training for cycling performance specifically does is make sense to utilize more muscle groups during zone 2? Would an AirDyne or a rower be more beneficial?

Ketogenic and Low-Carb Diet: High APO B

Does your thought process around APO B management change in the context of a lean mass hyper responder on a ketogenic/low-carb diet….Low Triglycerides, High HDLs, High APO B/LDL?

Zone 2/Type II Diabetes Management

As a type II (current A1C 5.9, I still take 2 metformin at night for morning spikes), I use exercise to help manage my diabetes. If my blood sugars get high after a meal, I will go for a brisk walk to bring them down. I wear a CGM. I have listened to many of your podcasts on Zone 2 training and I have a question. I am 52, I use a polar heart rate monitor and when I walk at the higher limit of my 'blue' zone 2 I tend to drive my blood sugars down quickly, but I can't hold a conversation. Based on a most recent podcast you said walking and talking should be tough to hit that sweet spot of zone 2. My question is.... should I be walking at the lower blue zone where it's tricky for me to talk or the upper blue zone where I drive down my blood sugar levels? Managing type 2 is a pain in the a$$ and I am working so hard to reverse this disease, I would take any tips, thanks!!

Are you still taking Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy during prolonged fasting?

Peter has promoted Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy on various occasion in the pasts, in the context of a sleep aid during prolonged fasting. But it looks like this supplement contains two amino acids: L-Tryptophan and 5HTP. Doesn't that activate mTOR, hence breaking the fast?