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Do you have a detailed workout, daily that you can share?

Wondering if you have a workout, that you do on a daily basis that you can share. having trouble organizing mine. I run 3 miles 5 days a week. Spend 10 minutes in the sauna 5 days a week. need to add some strength workouts. please let me know thank you,

Can NMN/NAD help offset the recent damage from cancer radiation treatments?

Several months ago a member of my family shared the Megyn Kelly podcast interviewing Tony Robbins about his new book life force. I’ve always been interested in regenerative medicine, cellular biology and of course longevity but at the time I was listening to this first podcast, I’d gotten the news that despite having his prostate removed, my dad would soon be starting 38 radiation treatments. Of course I want the cancer to be gone but I found 38 to seem excessive and the oncologists comment that they were “throwing the kitchen sick” at him bothered me. For most people another 10 years or so would suffice (my dad is 71) but in our family it is common to live into late 90’s with body and mind still performing quite well. Perhaps I’m being dramatic but I can’t help but think about blood cancers etc that may develop as a result of this radiation. Anyhow, the brief mention of NAD got me very excited and I started researching. Then I heard the next Megyn Kelly podcast with your interview, which I found fascinating…so much so that I jumped right into your podcast interviewing David Sinclair in 2019. Wow. I’m not a medical provider (I’m a director at a very large outpatient imaging company) but I found that talk to be one of the most interesting podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Fireworks in my brain were going off as I thought about my dad but also friends recently struggling with fertility. Here’s my question. Is it incorrect or incomplete to assume that immediately working to get my dad NMN supplements (actually I have already shipped him some) and also some NADIV therapy at high doses to hopefully offset or repair some of the damage recently done would be a good idea? Would you recommend anything else or could you point me in the direction of another resource I can learn more from? Thank you so much,

Starvation diabetes

Peter, I wear a CGM, and my all night glucose is always high, between 5.5-6.2 with higher spikes sometimes. My A1C is normal, not brushing up near trouble and my daytime glucose control is great, especially if I am on the straight and narrow. All this to say, I’ve probably got some insulin resistance due to other markers so I fast, intermittent and longer. When I fast for 3 days I can drive my glucose down into the happy zone during the night, however, if any time after the fast and subsequent low carb days after, I overeat a high glucose meal, my CGM registers diabetic level readings for 5-6 days. Even time restriction and low carb won’t drive it down. I have to wait it out or do another 3 day fast. I got very concerned about why this was happening but I stumbled upon a paper from an old diabetes journal detailing exactly this phenomenon and they called it starvation diabetes. I’ve never heard of anyone talk about this from fasting. How damaging is temporary hyperglycaemia?

Cutting simple carbs and sugar

As way of background, I weigh 84kg at ~12-13% body fat and a decent cyclist (320W for 20 minutes) and I ride 8-10 hours / week. I got a CGM about a month ago as I was worried that I eat a lot of carbs and sugar to fuel rides and maybe was overdoing it. My initial average glucose was ~110mg/dL and fasting was just under 100. I cut out sugar and any simple carbs, but maintained or even increased caloric intake and after a month my average is down to ~105 and fasting to ~95 but I've consistently felt terrible. Both my max and Z2 power are down around 30W even with lower volume. Have you found this to be a common issue or occurrence? If so, do you recommend patients just sticking it out? Any more concrete tips on how to proceed in a situation like this?

What good are “Readiness” scores on wearables?

My Apple Watch and related app give me a “readiness” score, but I often feel and perform great when the watch is telling me to take it slow and that it thinks I’m worn down. What gives, Dr. A?