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Peter Attia switching from Statins to PSK9 inhibitors

When did you change the meds, and why did you decide to do this? Can you share your relevant personal meds/numbers/results since switching meds? Current thoughts for when PSK9 meds be considered, and how do you decide to use both statins and PSK9 for a given patient?

Deep-dive on Blood donation

It would be amazing if Peter could do a deep dive on blood donation at some point. I've heard anecdotally that platelet blood donations may have a positive health effect (not exactly sure what the mechanism of action is). Does Peter have any thoughts on this? Additionally, I read that the plastics used in platelet donations contain PVCs that my leech into the donated blood that gets returned to the body. Any thoughts on this would also be appreciated.

Rapamycin beneficial at any age?

Are the benefits of rapamycin supplementation limited to only those "later" in life, or does it make sense to begin cycling it in your 30s, or even late 20s?

CGM- High Average Blood Glucose

Hi Peter thank you for the deep insight on CGM. How do you explain a fairly high average BG ( 102-105 mg/dl) while being on a low CH diet ( net carbs 30-50/day) Is this a matter of physiolocical IR?

TRT for Women

While your podcasts on testosterone replacement therapy and HRT are informative, could you address the topic of TRT for women? The article referenced below elaborates on some of the issues I am seeing as a woman. My OB/GYN physician recommends testosterone pellets which does not seem like a good idea to me, after reading the literature. This is another frustrating aspect of medicine as I'm sure most women just trust what their doctor is saying and not reading the evidence. Dunsmoor-Su, R., Fuller, A., & Voedisch, A. (2021, November 1). Testosterone therapy in women: A clinical challenge. Obstetrics and gynecology, 138(5), 809-812.