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What do you think of Bryan Johnson Blueprint protocol and results?

What do you think of Bryan Johnson Blueprint protocol and results?

Potential hydration issues causing frequent urination

Active 56 year old male with normal bladder function otherwise. Daily fasted AM session of 30-50 minutes lifting followed immediately by 1 hour Zone 2 cardio, practicing time restricted eating in the form of one meal a day, around 3-5 PM. After I finish my workout I have to urinate constantly (every 20 mins). I try to drink water throughout the workout but I was wondering if there is something I can do to at least stop the frequency of the urination. Salt, electrolytes, is there something you would recommend I take to combat this? This is not an issue on the rare days that I don't exercise and not an issue after I eat my meal.

What is the best route to take if I suspect LADA?

I am a 45 y/o male, active in cycling and weight training, and low bodyfat. I have good eating habits. In 2019 my checkup showed my A1C was 6.1 and fasting glucose was 85. These numbers have been trending up despite a reduction in carb intake. I started using a glucose meter and further reduced carb intake to maintain <140. Now my fasting glucose is around 100. If I eat a high sugar meal, it goes up to 180+ 2 hr afterwards. Due to my diet control, my A1C will show lower at my next physical. My doctor says I don't meet the criteria for diabetes yet, so insurance won't pay for antibody tests to confirm LADA, and knowing wouldn't change anything since there is no early intervention and the end result is insulin. Is this true, or should I push to get a diagnosis? Is there anything I can do to preserve pancreas function and/or attempt to get the antibody reaction into remission?

Chiropractor vs. Physical Therapist

Can you please chime on the difference between Chiropractors vs. Physical Therapists . I think people confuse the two and there needs to be some awareness. I was one of those people when a well-known Chiropractor in my city sent me to the ICU with a ruptured carotid artery (lucky to be alive now). Neck manipulations and other chiropractor acts are dangerously unknow. I was surprised when the ER doctor told me how often they see carotid artery dissections caused by chiropractors - yet their lobby managed to get them called doctors and get them cover by health insurance companies. PTs on the other side use exercise to fix musculoskeletal problems - no invasive "manipulations" or dangerous traction devices.

Medium Chain Triglycerides

Can MCT Oil affect testosterone and increase DHT?