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Nature-based health and longevity

Could you explore and share with us the connection between trees, green spaces, and outside with human health and well-being? The connections with fitness, mental health, and stress reduction seem like a great connection to your efforts. Dr. Matilda van den Bosch would be a good resource as would Dr Robert Zarr Thanks


Hi Peter please could you clarify for me whether as a female who practices time restricted eating regularly over 14 hours I should be concerned about gallstones? I’ve seen 1 paper saying hospitalisation were 100% if over 14 hours. I do include healthy fats in my diet. Thank you.

How much weight should I be lifting?

Do you have a framework for how much weight people should ideally be able to lift from a longevity standpoint? You talk a lot about the importance of squats and deadlifts – what are your strength standards for these lifts (1x vs 2x vs 3x one's bodyweight)? Conversely, if someone can already bench/squat/deadlift fairly heavy, at what point does increasing the weight start to have diminishing returns from a longevity standpoint (especially from competing concerns like preserving joints)? You mentioned you don't lift heavy like you used to as a teenager – what limits have you set for yourself and what are reasonable limits for younger people who weightlift but also care about longevity?

Is the RDA for iodine too low?

In the USA the RDA for iodine is 150 mcg (micrograms) in adults (excluding pregnant and breastfeeding women). Dr. David Brownstein ( suggests that this is too low and that he commonly has his patients on 25mg (milligrams) of iodine/day which is over 16,000% the RDA! He argues that the RDA was probably set too low to begin with and more iodine is needed given our increased exposure to fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. He believes that our deficiency in iodine is leading to increased thyroid issues and cancers. He has a book titled “Iodine Why you Need It” ( Does Dr. Peter Attia agree with Dr. Brownstein? Does Dr. Peter Attia take daily iodine supplements and if yes how much does he take? Thanks.

Obesity and Pancreatitis

How does pancreatitis in childhood affect obesity and/or health long-term? Do you have any specific recommendations or ways that you treat patients with a history of childhood pancreatitis in your practice, particularly when it comes to weight loss?