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Liquid IV Ingredients?

Essentially, you say the most efficient hydration solution is Glucose and Na+ in 2:1 ratio, nothing else. It’s hard to get a fix on what’s in Liquid IV, but they say there’s Dextrose in it, which is good, but also “Pure Cane Sugar”, which is definitely not good. Unfortunately, they do not offer quantitative data. Would it not be most accurate just to make up your own 2:1 solution with Glucose and NaCl? It wouldn’t be difficult, and at least you know exactly what you’re getting, and more importantly, that you’re not getting anything else that you don’t want

Ketone Ester and Sleep

There is anecdotal evidence that ketone ester supplementation aids deep sleep. I have found that when I supplement with app. 3 ml of R,S Butandiol-Diacetoacetat right before bed I get more deep sleep (or at least more minutes that my Oura ring defines as deep sleep). Is there a plausible mechanism or am I wasting my money on an expensive placebo? Is chronic R,S Butandiol-Diacetoacetat supplementation safe?


What’s the concern with MSG and how much of a concern is it? How much should it be avoided?

Rapamycin and immune function

At low intermittent dosing as in Joan Mannick's paper there is clearly improvement in acquired immunity. Several other papers seem to indicate improved immune function with this dosing. Alan Green and others have described (anecdotally it seems) that there is a potential suppression of the innate immune system with this kind of rapamycin dosing. Green even states that patients are more prone to bacterial skin and pulmonary infections. Is there any suggestion of suppression of the immune system with this kind of rapamycin dosing? Have you noticed any increase in skin or other bacterial infections on rapamycin? Any other data around immune function improvement or suppression with this intermittent pulse dosing? Anything on rapamycin would be awesome! Keep up the awesome work, the best medical podcast by far!!!

Vitamin D & Copper: Good or Bad??

I am always perplexed when I listen to this podcast and hear experts contradict more mainstream medical expert advice, while yet their reasoning sounds plausible. I'd love for someone of YOUR knowledge and intelligence to hear their arguments and tell me (your listeners) why they may or may not be correct. I realize you are a very busy guy, but I think this is worth your time, just to hear what's being said out there on the fringes. It all *sounds* rather reasonable. Thank you!!