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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Adam Grant

Have you considered interviewing Adam Grant on the pod? I am currently reading his book Think Again, and it dove-tails with your general way of actively rethinking situations when new information/data becomes available. Although your recent twitter post of the denied license plate "unwoke" seems to go against this idea. I'd enjoy hearing your explanation of this quintessential 202x post that is not fact based, viewed though a "scientists" eyes, or ever remotely open minded. Feels like you took your scientist hat off and put on your preacher hat, which you wear very infrequently in this sphere. Hope this gets addressed as it has caused me to question my renewal of my paid subscription if this is an insight into who you really are.... thanks

Recommended Strength Training Protocol

Can you provide a reference to a strength program that provides guidelines on what a weekly workout regime might look like?

Bone density

I am trying to build bone density (I am 77) because I will be have knee replacements. Is it better for my aerobic exercise to walk uphill on the treadmill than to ride a stationary bike?

Vasectomy short & long term health issues and effects on longevity?

Vasectomy short & long term health issues and effects on longevity? Vasectomy vs birth control (female) partner? Trying to make a birth control decision that has the least long term neg. effect for health/longevity. Condoms meh, pull out game no bueno risk/reward. Don't want any more kiddos :) Thanks Peter you rock.

Acetone = exogenous ketone?

There are exogenous ketone supplements, and acetone is a ketone; why can't you drink it to help with ketosis? It appears to be relatively benign on its own, is it the blood brain barrier?