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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Glucose Spikes During Exercise

First and foremost, I wanted to thank you for all the great discussions you’ve had with Diabetes and Insulin Resistance. My son is a type 1 diabetic and your podcast (with your great guest interviews) have helped my family combat this frustrating disease. With that said, we’ve had tremendous progress with keeping my sons BS levels in normal levels throughout the day but continue to really struggle when he exercises. My son plays Baseball and Basketball and each sport affects his levels differently. I could discuss those differences for days and fully understand that diabetes is not your specific realm of expertise, so I’m just looking for your opinion with one question: Are hormonal (Adrenalin) exercise spikes any different than my sons spikes from certain high-carb meals he eats on a longevity scale. In other words, as we fight like mad to keep his BS levels in a good range all day, we have almost given up on trying to figure out exercise pre-boluses or how to fight exercise spikes. Should we be as concerned with an exercise spikes in glucose as we are with heavy food spikes throughout the day? Do meal spikes in glucose affect him more negatively than exercise spike or are they the same? Please forgive me in advance if this is a silly question or if I have poorly worded it…or if I’ve missed you discussing it in a prior podcast. Thank You,

Physical screening metrics at your practice?

On the recent JRE interview, you mentioned handful of exercises you put new patients through to assess their physical condition in terms of longevity. You said there were about 10 of these, but only mentioned roughly 4 throughout the interview. Could you provide a list of these exercises? This type of stuff is super useful from an orientation point of view (similar to blood marker reference ranges you have previously provided). - Dead hang >= 2 minutes for males - 16" Step-down >= 3 seconds per leg - 50% body weight step ups - 75% body weight farmers walks

CGM access for non-diabetic

I’m interested in getting a Dexcom CGM, but a search of Dexcom website doesn’t offer any path to purchase. And didn’t see any info on your AMA questions feed. How does one go about purchasing one? Thanks in advance.


What is your practice experience in treating GERD?

Summary of Ideal blood work values and weekly exercise type/duration

A while back, you suggested your team might come up with a list of blood work tests and exercise type/duration recommendations summarizing your “ideal” expectation for patients. I would find such a compilation helpful. Could the chart describe three patient age groups? Ie 25 years old, 50 years old, and 75 + years old. As person not familiar with much of the medical lingo you all discuss, I find it difficult to remember which podcast, AMA, or blog relayed the info. This membership is teaching me so much!. Thank you