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Training, recovery and age.

The training load and recovery capability of a 25yr old Olympic athlete is probably very different than that of a fit 60yr old. Much of your coverage of this topic has been with professionals working with the young athletes. Has there been much published on how we should modify and adjust training loads and zone(s) as we age? I'm personally most interested in this answer for aerobic/endurance fitness, but I imagine that the same question can be asked of strength training.

Long Covid statistics

What are the statistics on post-acute sequelae of a SARS-CoV-2 infection ("long covid") for the vaccinated and unvaccinated? The only data I know of is[1]. Does this appear to be good data? (There is also a poll[2], one of the worst ways to gather data, which I therefore discount.) 1. 2.

Cannabinol how do I found out dosage, ingestion method and efficacy

Weight set point

Peter, I was hoping you could discuss the set point theory and how it relates to weight. What is the evidence for/against and what else do we need to know about it? Thank you very much for everything you do.

Zone 2 vs Zone 5 for Longevity

My best friend and I are developing a longevity pitch/program for our parents based on your four pillars and want to use the Mansegar et al 2018 findings as one of the cornerstones of discussion. However, that paper uses METS/VO2max as their independent variable, which seems to suggest we should focus on improving VO2 max and doing lots of zone 5 training. On the other hand, you emphasis zone 2 as the pinnacle of aerobic training and perhaps more important for longevity. Will zone 2 improve your VO2 max as well? Knowing how highly you recommend zone 2, we are looking for the studies to point to around it, but this big CRF-longevity study seems to point us to zone 5? Is that right? What collection of data points should we be pointing to to convince our parents about doing more zone 2?