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Matthew Walker's unpublished paper from podcast #47

In Podcast #47 on Sleep from Matthew Walker there is mention of Matthew’s upcoming paper (not yet published) that bucketed people into ten-year periods based on quantity and quality of sleep and then mapped β-amyloid and tau in brain late in life, and looked at which decades were more critical at predicting these levels. Could you provide me a link to that paper? I am interested to read it.

TRT testosterone replacement for women

Hi Dr. Attia and team, I have been on/off TRT per the direction of my OBGYN for around 3 years now and I’m noticing more and more women are being encouraged to initiate TRT in their 40’s to combat fatigue, poor sleep, low libido and to optimize for improved longer term bone and cardiovascular health. I’m also noticing more snd more HRT clinics popping up advertising T therapy to women. As a 43 yo nurse, I am curious if you have come across any data which illustrates the benefits vs risks of exogenous testosterone for pre menopausal women vs risks/benefits of sub therapeutic levels. Of note, I am receiving T in pellet form sub Q and my provider is recommending my levels stay between 150-250 my/dL which requires I go in q 4 m or so. (It’s not cheap either!) The articles I’m finding come directly from the manufacturers of the testosterone so I’m curious if you are aware of any unbiased sources. I’ve enjoyed listening to your info on the AMA#28 but it seems this and other podcasts have been geared for males - would love to hear your input re female TRT for us ladies! Many thanks! - Low T she in CO :)

When does a person earn the opportunity to live how they want

Enjoyed the discussion with Monica Gandhi, MD. I can tell she’s quite intelligent and well studied as well as read. But when does her dad earn the chance to die with dignity? At 87 and with cancer that might respond to a chemical milieu, why does she feel it’s better for him to suck air through some mask and not have the opportunity to see his daughter’s face as he closes out life, or even breath comfortably as he takes his”remaining” breaths. He’s not a lab animal, let him live. At what point do doctors go back to helping people through life, which includes death. Seriously, WTF? I don’t know the exact circumstances of her dad, what does he want vs what she spoke of as “mandating”, but everyone is going to die. It’s a fact of birth. You can’t live forever and treating people like lab rats, making them do what you feel is best per your opinion or even limited facts, is bad medicine. I appreciate your views. At least she was honest, but medicine has to wake up. Mistakes were made, and they were made by everyone. Half of what you now believe is fact, will be false in the next 10 years. If you are still practicing the same medicine in 10 years, that’s poor care. The only way to learn is to admit you don’t know and medicine has failed miserably. This left brain idea that medicine knows best, is killing life as we have known it. You might have an idea about what could work some of the time but in the end, everyone gets off the planet. Yes I’m phosphorylated! I want my life back, I want to move forward, I’m tired of living a lie so others don’t feel bad about their mistakes. Apologize for the outburst. It is a serious question. A great interview would be Iain McGilchrist, physician author. Wrote The Master and his Emissary, and recently published The Matter with Things.

Do you separate Zone 2 training from strength training?

I understand that you look to do at least 4 Zone 2 sessions a week. I believe that you do a good amount of strength training as well. Is there any drawback to stacking a Zone 2 training session with a strength training session? Or would it be preferrable to separate them by a certain period of time?

Covid early treatment outside US

In your podcasts on Covid, you only mention that ivermectin is exceptionally safe (relative to other drugs). You frequently avoid the topic of pharmaceutical industry pressure on NIH, FDA etc on only approving new expensive therapeutics, even when repurposed drugs are available and widely used. I suggest you have podcast looking at how Uttar Pradesh, Japan and Mexico City reduced their infection and death rates to near zero. There is more evaluating therapeutic efficacy than RCTs.