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Physician Assistant

Have you ever considered utilizing a Physician Assistant in your practice?

LDL-C and all cause mortality

I'm confused why in many papers higher LDL-C is correlated with lower all cause mortality. As CVD is the number 1 killer this seems surprising to me. Any ideas?

Rapamycin and ApoB expression

Curious why rapamycin upregulates ApoB expression and should someone with CVD be concerned about this if taking rapamycin periodically?

Zone 2 / HR / lactate

Is it still a zone 2 if my heart rate is very high (Zone 4) and lactate measured during a run stays at 1.6 mmol/l? Which proxy for Zone 2 is better HR or lactate level? Cheers Adam

Supplemental Vitamin D

In the January 3 COVID-19 podcast at around the 33:50 mark, Peter makes some comments about supplemental vitamin D as a "surrogate of health through other means" and that "(his) take on that has been not to prescribe vitamin D and instead to get outside and exercise and get it that way." Has this recommendation for patients been limited only to the context of vitamin D for COVID prophylaxis? Or is Peter speaking more broadly of recommending sunlight exposure over vitamin D supplementation in general? Clarification would be appreciated. Thanks so much.