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CAC and exercise paradox

What does Peter think of the apparent paradox of exercise potentially contributing to higher CAC scores or increases in CAC scores over time?

Thoughts on Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan did a podcast and upon listening I heard things that contradicted "facts" I have heard others, such as Rhonda Patrick, has said. The podcast was a little scary to me that I got the vaccine and I shouldn't have. Can you comment on this discussion between them?

Protein and mTor

I have heard that for longevity purposes we want mTor to be down regulated. Eating protein up regulates mtor as I understand. I am always trying to build muscle which is harder for me. (Female, 30, 150lbs) I am a crossfit coach and personal trainer so lean mass is important to me. I aim for 150g + of protein a day is this counterproductive to my longevity? I know eating for performance is different than eating for longevity, is there any suggestions you can add for those of us who are confused on protein intake. Thanks for everything you do!

Senior Strength

I’m a 69 yr old retired PT. I have some joint DJD issues, previous RTC repair, etc. Like a lot of us in similar age group. I recognize the need for strength training, but also need to protect some joints. You can’t practice PRE principals forever, so what is the best training strategy to at least slow up muscle mass decline?

white vs brown fat

Hello Peter, can you please do a deep dive on the difference between white and brown fat? What's the difference? Which one is used by the body under what conditions? Are there peculiarities for health vs disease with respect to white vs brown fat? Is there a physiologically meaningful ratio of one to the other with respect to health or disease? If so, is the ratio, or percent brown fat in absolute, diagnostic/prognostic in any way? Thank you!