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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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High glucose mechanism of harm / should we also moderate protein?

I listened to AMA #24: Deep dive into blood glucose and was compelled by the evidence you shared on all cause mortality, but would love to get more thoughts on mechanism(s) of harm. Is there clear evidence on whether the primary mechanism is the insulin response leading to insulin resistance? If so, should we also be concerned about high protein given that some high protein foods like fish have a similar insulin index to apples or oranges?


Does drinking smoothies containing fruit(strawberries, banana) differ in any way from a health and nutrition standpoint compared with eating whole fruit? Specially interested in the impact on sugar absorption and fiber impact that occurs with blended smoothies.

What does Peter think about.....

I’ve been waiting for months for Peter’s thoughts on Ivermectin for early treatment for COVID-19 along with other prophylactic and early treatments. Why do we here much more (still not enough) from Peter when he goes on Joe Rogans podcast than we hear from Peter on his own newsletters, Podcasts, posts etc. about these issues. I can understand hesitancy to wade into medical issues that have been politicized but at some point we would like to know how you think about these issues even if the answer is difficult or unclear. How do you feel about ability of docs to prescribe off-label being curtailed for example. Maybe you have good reasons for staying out of the fray but then I’d like to know why you would choose to stay out of it.

The Bale Doneen Method

The Bale Doneen method is a proprietary protocol for assessing and preventing arterial disease to include stroke and heart attack. You should interview doctors Brad Bale and Dr. Amy Doneen about their method which they have employed for over 20 years and I’ve had extraordinary success with their patients. Will you interview them?

Joint health and exercising for longevity

Zone 2 - type training often involves repetitive motion. How do you think about the tradeoff between the wear and tear on joints vs metabolic benefits? I ask this as a larger human (6'7", 225 lbs, <10% bodyfat) who has picked up their fair share of repetitive use injuries, has congenital hip dysplasia, and frankly prefers just lifting weights :)