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Metformin and superior muscle fiber

I had started on metformin for healthspan just in case the TAME2 trial proves it’s useful. As I’m active I’ve settled in 500mg time release. I’ve read about it’s cancer benefits. the almost “throw away line” by Nir Barzilai on your show was that metformin was making superior muscle fibers even though it was also making “less” was very persuasive. So, does this translate to metformin plus high aerobic exercise making superior HEART and vascular muscle fibers ?.. (assumption is that this must be a good thing??) If so, what dose would you recommend for a healthy 60+ yr old, with fasting glucose 90 and fasting insulin 3 (pre metformin) BMI 22 (WFPB). My working assumption is that if Nir Barzilai is conducting a trial than he must expect a good outcome with regard to longevity and I’d hate to “miss the boat” and find out when I’m 70 that I should have taken it earlier .. medical FOMO. For those of us that can’t self,prescribe, rapamycin is too difficult to get hold of and I find it too “out there”.

Metformin and cancer prevention

Someone on your show said that metformin may be responsible for more cancer prevention than any other medical intervention. Assuming no insulin issues requiring metformin what would be a good cancer preventative dose ?


In episode 23 Tom Dayspring makes some passing comments about phytosterols but I have not seen this point, which could be interesting, followed up. “Tom Dayspring: They don’t even know: if phytosterol are injurious, and I can make that case; if I did a one-hour lecture to you using proper slides, you would be pretty convinced: I want phytosterol not in my body. Ezetimibe is the only way to keep them out there.“

PCSK9 gene versus A1 Milano

As far as I recall the A1 Milano mutation was the most protective gene ever known when it comes to CVD Yet at some point we dropped all research, and recently I understand there is a one time gene editing therapy for PCSK9. Given that PCSK9 is less protective, why was a similar therapy not developed for the A1 Milano mutation?

Dexcom G7 updates?

Hi Peter, Do you know when the G7 will be available? I’m holding off getting a CGM because allegedly the G7 is about to be released for the general public. Can you review your thoughts on how it compares to the G6, especially regarding accuracy? As a non-diabetic I really can’t tolerate the “tolerable” 20% variance that I’ve heard the G6 may have. Thanks!