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Eating disorders and fasting

Hi, I would love to hear your thoughts on eating disorders and fasting. How do you think they differ? Do you think it would be beneficial for someone who has struggled with eating disorders to fast? Thoughts on fasting vs intuitive eating.

Suspension Trainers vs Weight Lifting

Are suspension trainers a suitable replacement for weight lifting in the context of exercising for overall health/longevity, or should it be used as more of a supplement to an exercise regimen (if at all)? What are your thoughts on ability to build muscle using suspension trainers?

LDL-C as a risk factor for all cause mortality

Would appreciate views on this paper. Liu, Y., Liu, F., Zhang, L. et al. Association between low density lipoprotein cholesterol and all-cause mortality: results from the NHANES 1999–2014. Sci Rep 11, 22111 (2021).


Are there any writers on Substack that you follow and can recommend?


I found out about the compound from Rhonda's podcasts, and it appears to be a very promising molecule that has positive effects on several different physiological functions mostly by acting on specific gene expression pathways. I've skimmed through the contemporary research and so far I've only seen tremendous upside, but I lack the expertise to draw hard conclusions. I'm surprised to notice that you don't seem to have almost ever mentioned sulforaphane in your podcasts. I would love to get your informed opinion on it. Thank you