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Blood flow restriction training for PAD

Is there a role for blood flow restriction training for PAD or would it be dangerous? The standard exercise treatment recommendations are to walk at a level that is causing claudication symptoms for a given duration and frequency. This affects the demand side of the equation. Would there be a similar benefit by affecting the supply side?

Dangers from Wi-Fi and cell phone radiation

Hey Peter - love your community of interest. I may have missed it, but have you looked into whether all of us face significant danger from: 1) cell phone usage, especially with 5G - what are best practices (eg use headphones, don’t carry in pocket) 2) Wi-Fi - we just put in 1 gig internet and have a mesh network that gives us great service throughout our home. Should we worry about it also giving us cancer? When I google this, I see strong articles on both sides 3). Airplane travel - I am a recently retired senior partner at your old Firm and curious as to what damage I might have done from flying a lot and if there is anything besides all the good things I am doing around exercise, diet, and sleep to atone

Life advice

Peter, you talk about your dissatisfaction with the linearity of traditional medical school education. Medical school does not seem to be a space for critical thinking and thinking outside of the 'box', what advice do you have for a current first year medical student? What would you do if you were 24 again?

Clinical Usefulness of Environmental Toxicity Testing

Do use utilize environmental toxicity testing in your practice? Most interested in your opinion on the validity of heavy metal challenge tests and mold/mycotoxin testing. Thanks!

Rectal bleed after heavy lifting

My healthy 23 year son did some heavy lifting via moving of furniture, as he is about to graduate college. That evening he passed about 6-9 tablespoons of red blood. No other symptoms expect a bit dizzy. I took him to see a PA the next day. He was guiaced, positive for blood. No hemorrhoids found. No other bleed since. I didn’t think until after PA visit that it could have been related to the heavy lifting. My son does not lift In a gym so he is not used to it. I did a quick search and I did see an apparent association between men who lift weights and rectal bleeds. As a retired nurse, I’d never heard of this. Is it rare? Is there any official diagnosis of this? Exactly what Anatomy might be involved?