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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Fasting with treated Hypothyroidism

I was interested in your results during you 7 day fast related to thyroid function. Based on blood tests I have well controlled hypothyroidism (Synthroid 125 mcg/day). Over the last few years I have begun fasting (48 hour and 72 hour fasts) , time restricted eating (typically dinner only) and typically - but not always - low carb without calorie restrictions. During fasting I have continued to take my daily thyroid medications. Maybe 1/2 of the timeds in the longer fasts I have experienced being very cold. My questions: Do you have any data on how thyroid medications impact thyroid hormone blood levels during fasting? Any idea what impact continuing the thyroid meds during fasting might have on autophagy (inhibit?)?

Guest suggestion: Jacinto Bonilla

82 year old cross fitter who seems well on his way to winning the centenarian olympics. This guy is sharp. He talks, walks, moves, like a fit 30 year old. He could be a fantastic example of what you hope your patients and public to aspire to.

Breast cancer survival

What is the state of art on what a breast cancer survivor do to maximize lifespan and minimize the return of the cancer? Are there specific lifestyle changes, dietary changes, or supplements?


What are your thoughts on the new aspirin guidelines and the reasoning behind the changes?

COVID Vaccine Complications

There "appears" to be more and more anecdotal data that the vaccine is causing heart problems, particularly in young males. Is this true and what is your take on this?