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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Constrained Energy Model of Metabolism

What is your opinion of the theory that the human body can only expend a finite amount of energy? This is the thesis put forth Herman Pontzer's new book, Burn! I found the book compelling and well researched, but still struggle to accept his theory.

Post Work Out recovery

How much scientific data is there to support the traditional advice about recovery? We are told that we need to "cool down" by working out in Zone 1 after a tough work out. It makes sense, but is this actually supported by evidence? We are also told that we need to "refuel" after a tough workout, especially with a mixture of protein and carbs. Again, is there any data to support this recommendation?

Help with bad breath and tonsil oats

I'm in my late 40s, and have periodically struggled with "very bad" breath for the last 3-4 years. The best I've been able to conclude is that I have tonsil oats, small pieces of food that get stuck at the top of the throat that turn white and smell of sulfur. What options do I have to resolve this?

Information on ways to deal with Osteoarthritis

I listen and watch almost all the podcasts with interest and agree with Peter’s advice on exercise, nutrition and ways to extend a healthy life. As someone in my late 50’s, I am in good shape, eat well and follow most of Peter’s recommendations. My test results are all excellent, in most cases better then Peter recommends. But I find that I am having increasing issues with OA in the major joints (Hips, knees and back) I am sure I am not the only one of your members that are having this issues. It would be great if you could do an AMA on this non-sexy but very pertinent issue. After all, it doesn’t matter if you have excellent blood markers if you can’t move around and be active. Further, I find the medical community mostly just says “you are aging and there is not anything you can do about it”. Is there something you can do about it? Many thanks

Surgery and shift work

Hi Peter (and Bob who i guess will be reading this), I am a general surgery resident in New Zealand - I am sure I do not have to tell you what my sleep pattern is like. Having been there, what specific advice would you give to a current surgery resident? I was wondering if you had any thoughts on mitigating the risks of sleep deprivation especially during on calls? I have been trialing fasting throughout my 48 hour on call periods - hypothesis that during this "stressful, sleep deprived time" my cortisol will be raised, increased peripheral insulin resistance etc, - do you think this is sensible? I have also been thinking about what exercise would be best (strength vs cardio) leading into and out of these periods, do you have any thoughts? Not infrequently I wonder if I should change career path like you have. It must have taken a lot of courage. Thank you for your podcasts.