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Massage Guns vs Foam Roller vs Professional Massage

How similar and effective are each of these and what is the minimum effective dose?

HRV, health and longevity

Can you do a deep dive on HRV and how you use it to gauge fitness, health etc? What do you do if anything to improve or impact your HRV? Do you believe in neurostimulators (like Apollo) for this (they have trial data)?

Stress and Glucose levels

Dear Peter, Bob & Team. AMA #24 was a great podcast, thank you. This week has been my first week wearing the G6 CGM. I am non-diabetic but want to understand my glucose trends better and reduce variability. I was giving a presentation today (about 4pm and more than 3 hours after eating or drinking) and about 50 minutes into the presentation my alert went off as my glucose hit 8.3mmol or c. 160mg/dl. I have since gone back to Episode #54 with Kevin Sayer that covered briefly the impact of stress can have on both insulin and glucose. I have moderate to high anxiety with presenting, but was taken back by the impact and immediacy of that stress response on my glucose level. Can you share any insights on this and perhaps what that means for people with even low to moderate anxiety if they are regularly put into stressful situations at work or at home. It seems this group of people may struggle more with reducing glucose variability. Thank you very much.

Squatting vs Deadlifting

Hi Peter. It is well documented how much of a deadlifting fanatic you are, in particular because of their pivotal role in allowing you to compete in the centenarian olympics. But how does squatting fit into this? Do you see squatting as a complement to deadlifting or a substitute? I’m especially interested in how you view squatting as an alternative to deadlifting in the context of safety (i.e. for the average joe could the risk/reward trade off be better for squatting vs deadlifting given potential for injury of the latter?) Thanks!

What is Peter’s current pre-bedtime routine?