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Importance of vitamin K2

What do you think about the importance of vitamin K2 in terms of preventing osteoporosis, preventing atherosclerosis, and allowing vitamin A and D to do their jobs properly? Based on how little vitamin K2 is in modern food then if it’s at all important I would imagine widespread significant deficiency. Thanks.

Anabolic steroids in treatment of osteoporosis

I've seen some papers studying different types of anabolic steroids (e.g oxandrolone) as treatment or prevention of osteoporosis, some with what seems like good results. Given the currently limited treatment options for osteopenia and osteoporosis, does Peter have an opinion on whether this could be a promising therapy?

Zone 2 training - still confused on how working specific muscles impacts whole body health.

You have touched on this in at least one AMA, but it’s still not clear to me how this works. Take for example your preferred zone 2 method - cycling. This (I presume - I’m not a cyclist) predominately works the thigh muscles. Or, perhaps it’s more accurate to say lower body muscles. Either way, it seems logical to assume it is not working all the major muscle groups. So when you do your zone 2 training, working mainly lower body muscles, is your expectation that it is helping to improve the mitochondrial function in your entire body? Or just the muscles being worked? My take-away from your latest AMA, was that a person can do whatever particular exercise they are efficient at, as long as they can stay in zone 2, irrespective of which or how many muscle groups they are utilizing, and achieve the benefits of the zone 2 training. In this case, will the whole-body benefits of this come primarily from the improved mitochondrial function of the exercised muscle group. Or is their some mechanism by which zone 2 exercising, using a subset of body muscles, improves mitochondrial function of the entire body?

Will lower testosterone levels have download implications for longevity?

We have the lowest testosterone levels and sperm counts ever. Does this come from our diets, ie. processed foods? Does this have implications in the study of longevity?

I want to be a nutritionist and someone who understands exactly what your saying

Hi Peter I have no science background, just my mind and curiosity though Id like to make a career out of it. What books do i need to study in order to understand physiology and biochemistry of the body and the different interaction in order to be able to interpert data and become a good nutritionist and someone who is able to understand and comprehend the different technicalities of the subject you layout during your podcasts and interviews Thanks