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Solving for prevention of Alzheimers, CVD and type II diabetes

Can you reflect on what seems like conflicting pathways to accomplish both low blood sugar and low ldl? I'm an APoE 3/4, dad died of Alzheimers (diagnosed at 68 so kind of young). Low carb eating seems to raise my ldl and higher carb eating seems to raise blood sugar. Is there a dietary conflict with keeping blood sugar low and ldl low for people with an ApoE 4? If so, what should we do? If you wouldn't mind addressing this to those of us who are metabolically healthy and trying to stay that way. For reference, I'm a 58 yo female.

Breathing Techniques and Co2 /O2 levels for longevity/disease

Can you address the research on (or simply comment on your thoughts surrounding) breathing and breathing techniques and longevity and disease curing? Also the science behind less oxygen and more carbon dioxide to help make the body more efficient at utilizing oxygen, as seen in athletes and training at altitude. It seems there is a lot of data coming out about breathing less and how it can alleviate asthma and emphysema. This is a broad topic and obviously has many sub categories, but I am curious if breathing and changing breathing from the mouth to nose only is something you have considered for longevity and disease curing. Breath retention, 5.5 second method, ujayi and nadi sadhana breathing, as well as Wim Hof etc. Any comments or research you have considered would be appreciated. Thank you!!!

Is it ok to mix fats and carbs in one sitting?

Fats and carbs are different “fuels” for the body to utilize. Is it true that when you consume both at the same time, say oatmeal with peanut butter, your mitochondria get confused and will favor the one over the other, while the latter is being stored as fat?

Eating Disorders

What is your recommendation for patients with eating disorders, specifically anorexia in which the person becomes obsessed with restricting food quantity and/or variety, losing bodyweight, and has a total preoccupation with body image? What diet would you recommend for such a person in which concerns around food, body, and exercise are so extreme? Do you think your recommendations to fast or avoid certain foods (e.g., high sugar, processed, etc) are still suitable for such a person? If not, what approach might work better?

PTH Control Strategies?

Calcium plays an important role in aging from many perspectives. Sites like suggest that optimal calcium levels for the adults should stay ~9.5 Anything above 10, though considered normal, is the sign of Hyperparathyroidism. Are there any strategies to control/reduce PTH with calcium levels in mid 10s (assuming normal vit D level in 40-55 range and adequate consumption of vit K and A) Thanks!