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COVID Vaccine and ADE

The latest anti-vaccine boogey man is ADE, Antibody-dependent enhancement for COVID. Where I've seen various folks with "MD" after their name claiming the virus can do more damage to vaccinated people than unvaccinated (which, from the mountain of evidence is utterly ridiculous). Could you touch on what "antibody-dependent enhancement" effect is and why people should or should not have concerns about with this with current COVID vaccines?

Gluten sensitivity?

Can you please do a deep-dive on gluten? Medical professionals seem to hold polar opposite views, with one camp saying gluten is fine if you don’t have celiac disease, while the other camp says that all people should avoid gluten, because it promotes gut permeability even in non-celiac individuals. Personally, my bias has historically been with the first camp, because wheat doesn’t cause me digestive distress and I love pasta & bread. However, after dealing with a period of brain fog and low energy, I decided to cut back on gluten and felt much better. I’m reading that GMO wheat has much higher quantities of gluten than what we historically consumed, and my subjective experience is that I don’t have a problem with gluten when traveling in Europe, where GMO wheat is less prevalent, so perhaps the problem relates to GMO wheat?

Toronto clinics

Hi Peter, hope you are well. I am based in Toronto and wanted to find out if you knew of any clinics that follow your methodology. I was recommended one clinic - Thanks, p.s. love the content you put out there

How to analyze and address high Apo B?

How should one go about analyzing a high Apo B number? In particular, how should it be understood in the context of otherwise good cholesterol numbers (e.g., Triglicerides, HDL, CT calcium score, etc)? If a high Apo B number needs to be addressed, what are the various ways to lower it? In particular, are there lifestyle interventions (besides the obvious smoke & alcohol)? Is Apo B affected by blood glucose / insulin efficiency?

I would love to hear Peters thoughts on this study that indicates that 50% of hospitalized covid deaths had diabetes? Perhaps an interview of Dr. Henry Markram?