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How are exogenous hormones metabolised/digested

Hello Peter and Bob. I have been unable to find quality research on this topic. From what I understand, there are 2 main categories of hormones, peptide and steroid hormones. I was wondering how peptide hormones (such as those found in some foods) and exogenous digestive enzymes survived digestion/denaturing in stomach acid, digestive juices in the duodenum and the rest of the digestive tract since it is simply made up of amino acids like any other protein. Similarly, how are do steroid hormones make it through the digestive tract and get absorbed into the bloodstream? clearly this works otherwise contraceptive pills would not work as intended. Thank you in advance

Radon as a cause of lung cancer

Radon is the leading cause of non-smokers lung cancer. It may very well contribute to other indications. Given the focus on longevity, it would seem prudent to have this discussion on your site to prevent cancer caused by exposure to radon gas at home.

Resume vs Eulogy Goals

Great podcast with Hugh Jackman. Regarding resume vs eulogy goals, seems like you're learning to truly let go of control (vs just re-purposing same maladaptive habits to optimize for a different, albeit more meaningful, objective function)--how specifically has DBT helped? Prior to this growth, was it easy to rationalize prioritizing work over more deeply personal goals that you were subconsciously putting off? And were you putting these eulogy goals off because your identity anchored on resume goals, or was it because addressing eulogy goals was actually more uncomfortable and intimidating? If the former, how did your identity become anchored on resume goals, and if the latter, how did you overcome the discomfort of tackling eulogy goals?

Akkermansia Mucinophila - obesity treatment

Research has been done on the use of akkermansia mucinophilia as an obesity treatment. This is supposed to be part of the normal bacterial colony in the human gut. People that lack akkermansia have a more difficult time losing weight. Can you comment on the role of the microbiome and akkermansia specifically in improving glucose tolerance? How can we improve out microbiome for health and longevity? Why can we not buy akkermansia as a supplement when studies show oral supplementation will raise the akkermansia in the gut? A study showed taking glucophage raised the level of akkermansia in the gut, do you think that some of the benefits in glucose control we see from glucophage come from the akkermansia mechanism?

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis - made up pathology for aging woman?

The article "Why Most Doctors Are Dead Wrong About Osteoporosis" by Sayer Ji Green Med Info. LLC Published October 30, 2019 and NPR "How A Bone Disease Grew To Fit The Prescription" December 21, 2009 have me wondering. Would love you and your team's critical thinking and overview.